I use the quantum invincibility=true in the gregtech config and I still find wearing full quantum armor+gravi suit to be perfectly balanced, even during pvp. The quantum invincibility setting allows mobs to attack the wearer without any heart damage (provided suit is charged). Without this, quantum feels cheap and worthless. In the case of pvp, all an attacker needs to do is hit the quantumsuit-wearer with three harmingII potions-not all need to be a direct hit-to KILL the quantum wearer instantly.
I have a few suggestions for Gravitation Suite:
-add the ic2 nuke defuse ability to the gravi tool (ic2 electric wrench is capable of this in newest builds)
-possibly add a vanilla block rotation function to the gravi tool (like the log turner from mystcraft? and the omniwrench)
-add a railcraft crowbar function to the gravi tool (for complete domination of the tool market!)
-possibly add optional harder recipes to be used in conjunction with gregtech and advanced solar panels
-make the energy status HUD more configurable (i.e. text scaling, x/y offset, etc)
-upgraded mining laser (as many before me have suggested) for ULTIMATE HAYO-NESS!