Posts by Patooka

    ok so i set up my own design for my reactor and it seemed to be running fine so i left it on and went to finish making my oill refinery (i have BC) and thats when i heard the boom... i thought it was the reactor so i ran to my house (the reactor is in my basement) i didnt think it would be a big explosion because i have layers of obsidian and reinforced stone. anyways when i got near my home i saw one of my quarrys exploded because the combustion engines that were running on fuel blew up...

    umm... we need more information to help you. Screen shots would help greatly. Is the output of the :Batbox: facing the direction you want the electricity to go? Is the cable to long for electricity to run through it?

    acually now i started a new reactor and i cant get that one to work either. i have the msfu going to the MV-trandformer and that going to the LV-transformer and a copper cable going from that to all my machines (the reactor is in my basement)

    screenshots: (setup) (reactor connecting to mfsu) (MV transformer to lv transformer) (wires connecting to my machines)

    i have cables running into a mfsu then a cable going to a LV-transformer
    but it blows up what should i do to be able to power my machines with
    it? am i putting the wiring in the right spot? or am i not using the right cable/tranformer?