I really like this mod, and keep up the good work. I like that it's expensive, which makes sense as it's completely free power it will make energy indefinitely and without cost besides that of making the panel. But it'd be awesome if there were different upgrades to the panels themselves, or maybe requiring that different parts of the panels be repaired every once in a while.
- New carbon plates be put in to replace the structure of the panel.
- New electrodes to gather the electrons when they are excited by the solar radiation. More electrodes could decrease the voltage output but increase the number of packets as the energy is spread out more (UHSP outputs 1 packet of 512 eu/t with 1 electrode, but with 4, it'll output 4 packets of 128 eu/t), though this could be done with transformers, but i guess it'd cut down on space.
- A gui to select how many electrodes you want the panel using at a time, and a built in inventory to store the electrodes and replace them as they are used up and wear out. The more electrodes in the panel, the slower they would wear out. The crafing recipe could be like:
= insulated copper wire
= uninsulated copper wire
--> 2(?) electrodes
the forums reformatted the crafting recipe, it is 3 uninsulated copper wire on each side and 1 insulated copper wire on the bottom middle.
- Lunar upgrade, increasing the wave frequency the solar panel accounts for, so it slightly increases the night time output. But it sometimes messes with the daytime energy collection. Helps keep energy coming in, so huge energy buffers arent necessary to keep things going. Maybe endstone as some component of it, as it has been exposed to space radiation, etc.
- A smart grid system upgrade, so that the panels can send eu along to the next one and so on, so there arent lots of cables under the solar panel (and so that electrodes, etc could be resupplied to the panels via pipes.
I have a feeling it might cause lag with pathfinding algorithms, im not sure...i think the e net (or something along those lines) accounts for that. Maybe the recipe could be along the lines of:
None of these represent anything other than what they are
--> 2(?) smart grid upgrades
the forums "reformatted" the crafting recipe above, it's 3 glass fiber cable on each side, and 1 electronic circuit in the center.
I suppose different panels would need repair more or less often, as some absorb more radiation than others. That's all i could come up with right now.
Edit 1 and 2: Ugh. the forums removed my tabs. Fixed ....... ok... not fixed, but added info for recipe structure.
Edit 3: sorry if this isnt in the right place. went to the suggestions forum, but couldnt find much of what is said after searching.