Posts by ownager

    Id like to join the server because ive never seen industrial craft MP before. im experienced in Ic and feel as if i could help on the map. Or anyone else if they need it. I follow rules and dont grief (i have my own server on sometimes) and ill shun every griefer :evil:----- :Nuke TNT: =GRIEFER=Shun!
    IGN=ownager (with lowercase! no caps!)

    Id like to join the server because ive never seen industrial craft MP before. im experienced in Ic and feel as if i could help on the map. Or anyone else if they need it. I follow rules and dont grief (i have my own server on sometimes) and ill shun every griefer :evil:----- :Nuke TNT: =GRIEFER=Shun!
    IGN=ownager (with lowercase! no caps!)