Posts by elyas10

    It is supposed to require an UNCHARGED energy crystal, not a charged one. also, if it actually requires the 100001 durability energy crystal, then that IS most certainly a bug, as you cannot get that ever in game.

    Maybe it's just the recipe that's wrong then because there are lots of recipes in the source .class file and I may have gotten confused. But here is what I saw:


    ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ul(blockElectric, 1, 2), new Object[] { "LCL", "LML", "LAL", Character.valueOf('M'), new ul(blockElectric, 1, 1), Character.valueOf('A'), new ul(blockMachine, 1, 12), Character.valueOf('C'), itemPartCircuitAdv, Character.valueOf('L'), new ul(itemBatLamaCrystal, 1, 10001) });

    I cannot craft a mfs unit in multiplayer (haven't checked single player because I'm not that far in there) according to the wiki's recipe:

    I do realize on the sticky of known bugs it says that MFS units can only be crafted with only FULLY charged crystals BUT it was under v0.90 and it is highlighted in green meaning it should've been fixed in v1.

    I noticed in the mod class file the crystal for this recipe requires energy (maybe) when it reads, ..., 100001... somewhere in the lines of code between 900-930 there.

    This wiki might have an expired recipe or this simply may not work in multiplayer. X(

    EDIT: works for singleplayer, not for smp still
    I see the mfsu in too many items inside singleplayer but not smp
    This is definitely a multiplayer issue.