1: Do you swear to follow the rules. As they are shown above? F*%^ (i swore :P) i will follow the rules
2: Do you swear to abide by the TOS: nope(youll get why i said that later)
3: Do you intend to cause problems? only to people that deserve it
4: Are you going to try to install the mods yourself or just ask me to do it for you? is this seriously a question?
5: Did you read the rules?yes
6: Are you gonna have fun?DAMN RIGHT!
7: Is there a reason for this? Yes, to weed out lazy greifers.so it leaves the more energetic greifers!
8: Thats about all, also somewhere in the rules above is a word you need to also add here. It has absolutely no relation to the rule, dont have that, dont get whitelisted. THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
9: What is your ign? On minecraft of course.KitsuneNoKumori
My turn for some questions!
1: are chunkloading blocks permitted for long distance orl pumping outside the 1k-x/z area(WHILE ONLINE OF COURSE)?
2: are underground fillers permitted(some servers dont allow them cause dumb people die by falling while digging)?
3: if i join will you give me a cookie?
4: i tend to be an asshole if people REALLY piss me off(they should be banned long before that but just have to say) will that be a concern here?
5:if the answer to 3 is a tes and 4 a no, can i have another cookie?
6: is RP permitted here?
7: if the answer to 5 is yes, can i have a hug AND another cookie?
PSS+EDIT: im switching servers constantly... either it dies, or the admins are PLAYING LOL... or its epicly laggy like the one im on now...PLEASE help me escape from that lag hell!