Fantastic addon! I love all the fancy tools and armor, especially the advanced diamond drill! My only complaint is about the ultimate solar helmet. I feel that because of its exorbitant cost (20 iridium plates with gregtech installed,making it about equal to the gravichestplate in cost,) that the helmet should retain the additional effects of the quantumsuit helmet. It is extremely frustrating to have to switch constantly between helmets when fighting mobs such as cave spiders or the wither, just to remedy status conditions. I DO however, love the advanced nanosuit! Genius move on your part sir. I also have an idea for a new tool. Perhaps a more advanced version of the mining laser, with a more combat-oriented role. Perhaps include more modes, such as a freeze-ray, which could freeze water and lava, and destroy plants, as well as cooling nuclear reactors.I personally find the standard mining laser quite underwhelming, and when i finally make one, I find myself never using it! Anyway, just a suggestion. Once again, Great mod, and I hope you will consider my request.