If we were able to extend the distillation tower and the higher it is, more byproducts it is able to produce (and higher overall efficiency).
Also it should use reinforced casings instead of advanced. Fuel refining is way lower tier than if compared to fusion reactor.
I'm on the fence on the variable height D.Tower, though I do love variable multiblock structures. The blast furnace is my favorite one just because I can swap out the casings anywhere, and upgrade it with coils too. Mine is connected directly to my I. Grinder and I. Compressor, sharing casings until I start setting up automation that uses multiple multiblock controller machines. I also love that I can have two B. Furnaces sharing a face of casings, with the rest being standard, and have 6 multiblock controllers connected to it at full heat capacity after coil upgrades. Mostly impractical, but still stupidly cool!