I was watching a FTB stream where the idea of using Scaffolds as fuel was mentioned... so i did some math... The numbers i found (in the version i am using for 1.4.7) made it well worth it to craft scaffold instead of burn charcoal. This was due to the fact that scaffolds burn for as much as a wooden plank, and you got 16 in a recipe that took only 3 planks and a few sticks to craft. So i did a bit more math, If you turn scaffolds down to the value of a stick (250 Eu instead of 750 per scaffold) This makes 9 wood worth of scaffolding (2 stacks) burn 8 coal worth of goods. (one stack) instead of 24 coal worth... There's still pros and cons to doing it this way, you save a little time burning at the loss of one coal worth of fuel. Though you would have spend one coal to burn 8 charcoal anyways. It balances the numbers this way... and if this is already implemented in IC2 for 1.5.1, i'm sorry, If not, I'm glad i got a chance to share the information for people so i'm not the only one abusing it until it is.