Posts by SyberSmoke

    The problem is your assuming enough infrastructure to get limitless obsidian or the intent to use it in all situations. Yes Liquiduct is excellent, but in many cases it is unnecessary whey you just need a shot to mid distance link with a low flow. In this case a simple stone waterproof pipe is more then enough.

    Due to an unfortunate serve side issue, my clans private server was reset. The new seed was rather harsh on us as much of the explored area is either ocean or something snowy. This has been difficult because many of us used cactus to make waterproof pipe and now we are forced to use bee's wax (MindCrack Server). During these troubles it came to me during a day long and fruitless hunt for cactus..."why can't I just water proof my pipes with rubber??"

    The suggestion is simple, add a recipe to allow rubber to be used as an ingredient for Waterproof Pipes. Please??