Posts by clees27

    with images instead of a wall-o-text

    this is in the suggestions area of the forum, how could you expect anything more?

    an annoying poll that serves no purpose

    SRY, i took it down, you have a point.

    If you want logic gates

    i dont want JUST logic gates either, with my idea you can make very compact timer circuits. logic gates, by definition, has an emdiate output based on a few variables. this is not what im suggesting, and even if it was, this would be a way to make much more customized logic gate.

    Also, out of the mods you listed, sry for my blis ignorance, iv only heard of build craft (which i think only serves a purpose with its pipe sytem when you have ic) and the only feature that was similar to this suggestion was the builder, which DOES NOT shrink the project down. also this is the place to add suggetions of what should be put in ic, not a place to offer suggestions of creating new mods, and because all you were able to say about mine is that its been done in third party mods, this is still a valid suggestion. all i want is the ability to build a timer circuit witouth the hundreds of other features that mod would likely come with, and im sure some people agree!

    K, so you make a red stone circuit and it works perfectly, just a few problems. 1= its way too big, you dont want a circuit that takes up a whole chunk, or even half a chunk for that matter. 2= its much to big to build again to rebuild accuratley and could take hours. 3= its not in an optimal place of performance and you would like it moved, without destroying/rebuilding. wouldnt it be convienent if you could shrink down a certain area to the size of 1 block with up to 4 inputs and outputs and call it an ic (intergrated circuit) chip? the chip would take up a small space, output red stone signals exactly how it would of in the normal size on the outputs you chose and with certain inputs you can make it do certain things. wouldnt it also be neat if you can keep a record of the chips you made that can be deleted so that you dont have to rebuild the circuit, all you have to do is feed a machine the redstone that you used and once all redstone is accounted for it would give u a duplicate of the ic chip? the IC chip files would be the same across all worlds, so you could build in creative to make sure it works, make an IC out of it then go to your survival world and give the right Redstone to have it made for you! you could also have multiple teirs of ic chips starting at wood and ending in diamond, each teir able to hold more circuitry.

    Tell me what you think :) i think this would be absolutely amazing :)