Posts by Kzorith

    I didn't see this suggestion in the forum so I hope it's not a duplicate or denied one.

    I would perhaps like to see a few more options when detecting states using gates from the following devices:

    MFSU/MFE/BatBox: We currently have Empty, Partly Filled, Room for Energy(?) and Full, but I'd like to perhaps see a 25%/50%/75% full state that I could detect. That way I could only run my reactor/generators when the energy device falls below a certain level as opposed to having it run as soon as the first EU of energy is taken from the device (detecting partly filled).

    Recycler: I would like to be able to tell if a recycler has work to do. The current detectables cover the machine being on or off, discharging an item, capacitor status, redstone state and inventory. The problem is that items that go in to be recycled are none of these things. As far as I can tell, only scrap counts as inventory, and cobblestone (for example) goes in the "charge" slot but isn't being discharged.

    I'm sure there are other devices that might benefit from additional detection states, but these are the ones that I've encountered in a recent build.

    Thanks for your consideration,
