Display MoreAs far as I know using iron x4 cable works better. So if your sending 512 packet it takes 1 of lets say every 1 but for fun lets say 5 like copper. Then copper is 1 ever 5.
Well copper 32 packet -1 = 29
Well Iron 512 packet -1 =511
But this is really the true math...
So if you were say moving 1024 energy.
iron lost 2 energy.
copper lost 32 energy because it loses one per packet so the larger the packet the more energy saved.
So the real real request you should ask is can we have something like a 2048 battery so we can send out 2048 packets.
Oh Edit the iron is like 1 per 1 so really you lost 5 energy and I mean do the math up that's still a lot but nothing like what the copper looses.
Uhm, we can already send 2048 packets, it's called a HV transformer that's redstoned. Over HV x4 cable. The batteries can't take that current though, so it's got to be converted down again. I don't know, unless you could hook up four MFSUs on the line at the other end. Before connecting it to power though, as less than 4 would likely blow up. I'm not even sure if it'd work.
Anyway, you could just place a LV transformer every 4 blocks of copper cable. Although that'd get tedious and expensive, but oh well.
For those new to it, which only recently included me. At first glance each upgrade in cable seems to reduce efficiency, but this is misleading. Higher voltage cables may lose EU twice as fast, but they carry 4 times more energy, so they're actually twice as efficient as the lower voltage cable. So gold cable is twice as efficient as copper, provided that a full 128 EU packet is sent. So HV cable would be 4 times as efficient with 512 EU per packet, or actually like 16 times more efficient than copper as long as you use redstoned transformers to bump it all the way up to EV(Extreme Voltage) at 2048 EU per packet.(HV cable can actually handle up to 2048 EU packets) This is what the HV transformer is for. Glass fiber can only handle 512 EU packets, but it's the most efficient of all, but really expensive.