Posts by BattleFerrett

    Name: Jacob

    IG-Name: BattleFerret

    Age: 27

    Banned before?: No…5da9b1c2ab5ec3eb288791c54

    Why do you want to join?: I know a friend who plays on your server. He's mentioned it to me several times now and has described some of the fun times he's had here, and more recently let me see what he was working on while I was over at his house, and sort of showed me around the place and showed off some of the mods you guys use. It seems like a fun place with some interesting mods (that'll ensure I feel like I'm relearning Minecraft all over again), and most importantly a community that seems creative and not likely to shriek constantly in my ear like a bunch of rabid middle schoolers.

    Anything else you want to tell us?: I've been playing Minecraft on and off since early 2010. I've never done any impressive sort of mega-constructs as it seems like more work than I'm usually interested in. I tend to fall more into bouts of alternating manic obsessive construction of some house or fort or another, and crazed exploration of everything within 30 miles of my home base.

    How can we contact you?(E-mail or skype): battleferrett (Skype) ; (e-mail)