yeah and were do i get IC² for 1.5.2 on the wiki is the latest version for 1.4.5 and that link doenst work.
Posts by TschossefxD
Sounds are enabled this doesn´t fix the problem yeah 1.5.2 is lthe latest version but the latest IC² version is made for 1.4.5 or should be so. i would update to the latest verison if i can install IC² and Buildcraft correct. But i tried it many times and never got it it always crashes and says unexpected jave error so i´ve to play on this verison till someone show me how to install IC" and Buildcraft on th newest verison.
Ok but in wich config can i activate the sound. I uploaded to the latest version 1.4.5 but i had the problem that Buildcraft and Indistrial didn´t work together they work allone, bute they are not compatible. So i installed 1.3.2.
If i use a IC² item vanilla sound crashes too for ca. 5 sec. But that is´nt relatat to my not working reactor full with quad uran cells --> nothing simply nothing. oh i forgot [ Minecraft 1.3.2 ; industrialcraft-2_1.106 ; Forge Mod Loader ; buildcraft-A-3.2.0pre9 ] I need both Buildcraft and Industrialcraft.
I updatet to 1.3.2 to have all reactor parts an armors but i must have realy bad luck
. The IC² Items have no sound at all incl. Jetpack what is realy silly
cause it looks like a long jump all machines and the reactor. He the reactor doesnt do anything i can put as many as Uran as i want his inventory but he doesnt make a sound or produce EU. Should i activate these items ord sound or what i´ve to do. PS: Trying since one yeaar to play IC² plus Buildcraft since one week it works ( a bit ) :). I hope i made nothing wrong.
Yes but how can i craft Reactorchambers without dense copper plates. ? Another receipe ?
I dont hve Hazmat suite too or solar helmet the Industrial part is a bit small so. Sorry if my English is bad sometimes i´m from germany.
I use Minecraft 1.2.5 ; industrialcraft-2-client_1.103 ; MC Forge ; and ; Modloader.
IC² is working but incorectly my Problem is i don´t have many important items like DENSE COPPER PLATE and many other nuclear important Parts like ALL VENTS ; ALL CONDENSATORS ; THREE HEAT EXCHANGER ; NEUTRON REFLECTOR and co DENSE COPPER PLATE is very important and its hard to play without it. I dont have filled fuel can too. I dont have this items and i cant craft them i searched long since a few days for a sollution but i dont found someone. IC² is very cool but it would be much cooler if i´ll this items, so pleas help me.