Posts by OnmyojiOmn

    A light source that uses light blocks, similar to Wrathlamps, would be GREAT.

    Edit: I'd also really like hard-mode recipes for ComputerCraft, using GregTech components. It could be just be one of the cheaper machine hulls plus a circuit board in an Assembling Machine to make the basic computer, and then an expensive hull plus an advanced circuit to make an advanced computer. The rest of the recipes could be left as-is to save some work. ComputerCraft is an unfortunate necessity for filling holes in other mods, so a little GregTech flavor help a lot.

    Hi Greg,

    I've spent hours and hours just tinkering with GregTech automation in creative mode over the last couple days. It's been fun, but I had to give up on finding ways to do everything I need with GregTech machines alone. Here are the features I need:

    - Give regulators a mode that uses item ratios in the filter. For example, if I have 1 cobblestone and 2 dirt in the filter, and 10 cobblestone in the target inventory, the regulator would transfer up to 20 dirt.

    - Allow the Active Machine Detector to work on regulators. This would output a signal depending on whether the items in the target inventory satisfy the regulator's filter, with the strength of the signal being the ratio of items in the target inventory to items in the filter. So if the filter is 10 dirt and the target inventory is empty, the regulator is active and progress is 0% (redstone signal of 1). If the inventory has 9 dirt, progress is 90% (redstone of 13.5 - rounded up to 14?). At 10 dirt, the filter is satisfied so the machine is inactive. If the regulator is in item ratio mode the signal would be the ratio of the ratio, so if the filter is 1 cobblestone and 2 dirt and the inventory contains 1 cobblestone, the machine progress is 33%.

    Here are some features that would be nice to have:

    - Restore input/out restrictions for machine sides, and add additional restrictions in the case of blocks with multiple outputs like the Industrial Centrifuge and Distillation Tower. I think it's really unfortunate that machines have been simplified so you can just throw items into whichever side you want, because if we didn't want complexity we wouldn't be using GregTech! We already have Advanced Buffers, Advanced Translocators, Advanced Regulators, and Inventory Managers to solve this problem, and those machines are made much less useful by this simplication.

    - Add an Electric Regulator, which would be cheaper but would only support one stack. I'm guessing the Advanced Regulator was named in relation to the RP2 regulator, but GregTech should not name its machines according to defunct mods.

    - Give the item/liquid/energy detector covers boolean modes for empty and full.

    - Allow the Redstone Item Detector to work with small buffers. Currently it will always output zero, which may be a bug. For example, it should output a signal of 50% for 32 dirt or 8 eggs.

    - Add an Energy Conductor cover which would make any machine transfer energy similar to the way buffers, regulators, etc. do. If placed on multiple sides or on machines that already transfer energy, the input EU packets are split evenly between output sides.

    - Allow EU storage and transformer upgrades to work on all machines that transfer energy, including machines with Energy Conductor covers. For example, a small buffer could potentially hold 101k EU and accept/transfer 8192k EU/t. Edit: I just realized that you can already do this! Awesome.

    - Allow Quantum Tanks to retain empty cells when inputting liquid, and to output those cells on the sides of the machine. Currently Quantum Tanks are completely useless for input because they consume cells; Liquid Transposers must be used, and if you don't have TE you're out of luck. No machine in GregTech, IC2, or any other Minecraft mod should ever consume liquid containers for any reason unless it's to melt them down or recycle them.

    - Add Digital Tanks, for mid-tier liquid storage.

    - Allow Quantum Tanks, Distillation Towers, and other blocks with one interesting face to be rotated for cosmetic effect. In the case of controllers for multiblock machines like Distillation Towers and Industrial Blast Furnaces, the functional back face would not rotate.

    - Add native connected texture support for buffers, so that contiguous buffers would appear to be one long machine with arrows but no borders between segments.

    Thanks for reading.