Posts by aurynator

    Thanks for this mate.

    Its strange that i have an ancient version since i installed this from Feed the beast, not longer than a week ago.

    I seem to be unable to find this 3.xx mod that youre reffering to. After doing several google searches and doing a forced update on both the minecraft program and the mod packs i still have the same issue.

    Do you happen to have a link to the newest version of that Gregtech 3.xx version you speak of?

    Thanks again.

    I was working on making a mining drill and placed a Bending machine when my game crashed and i havent been able to log onto it since.

    I have a bug report about it, but i dont know what to doo or where to place it. (if this is the correct spot or not)

    Hope this was correct, if not, can someone please show me where to go, as Mojang (those i contacted first) told me this was a bug related to the mods in IC.

