Posts by Dragon53535


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    Hello, I have been looking for a free to play INDUSTRIALCRAFT! server, and you were on the wiki so i decided to check you out, it seems legit :P and fun i have experiance with IC2, (side note: HARD AS HELL TO GET SOME OF THE REGENTS!), i have been banned from one server a long time ago for hacking, doesn't mean i do it now, a friend got me hooked on it and i stupidly did it. I have never griefed, nor would i grief, as long as i liek youz :P, so i feel that this server may be for me. i currently play sometimes on a server called minesworn, very fun, but not really a main goal game, in IC2 you have a main goal, MAKE MATTER! or a nuke plant, whichever floats your boat.

    If there are any problems with my app, just contact me and i will fix it as soon as i can.

    Please note that my IGN is exactly how i spelled it, caps and all.

    This application was made with humor, disregard anything that seems like I would be an idiot. Thank you.