Hi, my friend is currently running an SMP server with the latest stable Build Craft (1.8.1) and Industrial Craft 2 v1.15. Although the mods work well together, there is one major bug we have found (and I personally believe is caused by Industrial Craft alone). We have a storage room where we have a few solar panels sitting around the outer edge (outside of course). The room is lit via torch, and whenever one of us deletes or adds a torch close to the solar panels, all the clients on the server crash (but the server remains in-tact). The error code will be pasted at the end, however I want to mention its not only the deleting/adding of torches that cause this crash (which is why I think its the Solar Panels themselves). Whenever a block near these panels is broken (or a new one is added), the same crash also occurs. This leads me to believe the problem has to do with the solar panels and how they deal with torch light, since the torches at the other side of the room can be broken and blocks can be placed there without any crashes.
Error on every client connected when lighting changes close to a solar panel:
at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(HashMap.java:810)
at java.util.HashMap$ValueIterator.next(HashMap.java:839)
at vy.a(Chunk.java:813)
at rv.a(World.java:2869)
at wt.a(NetClientHandler.java:420)
at rk.a(SourceFile:81)
at iq.b(SourceFile:272)
at wt.b(NetClientHandler.java:64)
at gx.c(SourceFile:57)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(SourceFile:1388)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:666)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679)