Hi there,
I'm sorry I'm very new to this. I have found this in the bugs thread and support thread, but the question has not been answered.
So basically, I recently got IndustrialCraft2. I love it. All the videos I've seen, it's amazing.
I've implemented the mod onto my server, and yeah, all is running smoothly.
But now as I'm starting to get more advanced, I'm starting to notice some items no longer exist, or work differently.
I know I saw somewhere it said "The Wiki Is Official, so we do not have time to update it every day" or something like that.
That's ok, and I'm cool with that, but all I want to know is:
- Have some items been removed?
- Have some recipes been changed?
- Do some machines work differently?
I have TMI installed, and I noticed some machines I thought were missing are still there, but the recipe must have changed or something a rather. But, with the machine found (in my case, the Terraformer), I have no idea how to use it.
All the videos show it has a GUI that has a source and a chosen BluePrint, but now it has no action when I right click, doesn't chew power when I hook it up with any type of cable, but it does seem to accept the blueprints if I hold them in my hand and right click on it.
I'm sorry, it's a pretty big question. But the Wiki is my only source of information (since YouTube vids are so old, and there is no area for it on the forums (at least I don't think there is)), so it would be nice if someone could confirm the Wiki is wrong, or my mod just got installed wrong or bugged up in someway. Or if I'm just dumb.
Thank you 
PS: Sorry if this is somewhere else on the forums, I have read the rules and such and unless the title is misleading or unrelated, then I shouldn't have missed any.