Posts by senzation54

    Yeah, I was thinking of making a tower of one of those actually, but I would prefer 4-chamber reactors.

    Looks like the breeder I threw together in literally 4 minutes is better than the "Very high speed breeder" while using almost the same parts, is there something I'm missing there? Mine can be run on much higher heat levels as well.


    Other one

    Oh thanks, I didn't know that :o I thought they were a single-use item that were only used for startup... Anyway I enjoy automating stuff so I'd probably rather spend a little more time tinkering with my automated processes and use that slot for an extra reactor plating instead. Currently I have the last design I posted running perfectly in creative on 75000 heat, It's on fire, both literally and figuratively :p The simulator only goes up to 64k which is 172 cells per cycle, I assume 75k is 200 cells per cycle. Probably way more than I can spend for the time being, so I think I'll settle for this ;)

    If you or anyone else who happens to bounce in here have suggestions for good breeders (or good uranium/plutonium power generator reactors) feel free to post them :)

    I threw this together in a bit of a hurry, to me it looks pretty decent but of course I have no idea if there's a heat difference with uranium too in the ultimate pack. What do you think?

    Edit: link

    Edit2: I'm trying this design in creative right now and all I can say is wow, that's fast! It is slowly losing heat though, so there seems to be a difference here too. I guess I'll try playing around a bit.

    Thanks for clearing that up, how about the other designs? My train of thought is basically that I want to be able to supply as many power-generating reactors as possible with as few breeders as possible, it seems like a waste to have 5 breeders running with 300 cells per cycle when I could have one pumping out 1500 per cycle, especially since each breeder uses like 1400 copper worth of heat cap platings.

    I guess if the thorium is that badly bugged I should just let my existing reactor eat up the rest of my thorium and focus on uranium for my new breeder(s).

    I refuse going over to unleashed because I'll miss RP2 and gregtech too much, and I play online so unless I switch servers I'm not really able to do anything about that part.

    How exactly is thorium bugged in the ultimate pack? 'Cause as it is the breeder I'm running may not be producing as much as the simulator predicted, but it does produce enough re-enriched cells to run 4 6-cell single chamber uranium reactors, and considering I don't really have anything else to use my thorium on that seems pretty nice :p

    Maybe I can work around the buggedness, unfortunately a google search yielded nothing on the subject so I hope someone can enlighten me as to how it's bugged.

    So I've fallen in love with nuclear reactors, and I'm trying to create an efficient breeder reactor. I already have one running, fully automated with temperature regulation so it's running at near max temperature (above the hurt limit), but I'm looking to improve on that design. Here's the design I'm using right now: link

    For the record I'm playing the FTB Ultimate pack. I found that design in some thread/list somewhere. I'm running it at 86000 "degrees", and according to the planner tool it should be producing 580 re-enriched cells per cycle, but I'm not too sure that's correct. Seems quite a bit slower, maybe it's designed for a newer versior or something, I don't know. It also cools down with that setup, which is why I had to automate the temperature regulation despite the simulator saying it should be heat neutral. Pull one heat vent out and it heats up, put it back in and it cools down. I'll say it is very convenient though, no need to worry about starting it up or anything.

    So anyway, onto the point. Here are a few designs I've ended up with:


    1711 cells charged per cycle, seems pretty nice. This was the only design I managed to get to 0 in terms of heat, although I assume I would still need a thermal monitor to remove/insert one of the reactor vents to keep the temperature steady.


    Here's another one that I'm not too sure about. It's not temperature neutral in the simulator and I've no idea how to calculate the effectiveness without it, I was hoping someone around here could help me with that. I was thinking I'd just set up a thermal monitor and send in ice to cool it whenever it goes above the desired temperature.

    If any of you more experienced guys have some input or advice for me that'd be much appreciated :) In the mean time I guess I will be testing these in creative to see how they do.