Posts by Illprotectju

    Hi all, I've been practicing designs for my friends and I's deathstar reactor. We have a very basic one set up atm, but our resource aquistion is starting to sky rocket, so I've been fiddling with some designs. ***I HAVE 0 REACTOR EXPERIENCE*** Which i'm hoping doesn't show too much :) just wanted to put that out there. I have come up a design which I feel is very balanced in terms of RS and Lapis usage, moderately high output, that fits with our 5 chamber design. (1 side is taken for CC Modem)...My issue here, is...I just really don't know enough yet to know if this is a good design...or if there's something better I should use. I tried scouring google for "5 chamber reactor designs" but alas not much really comes up.

    If someone could just explain the up and downsides to my design I would very much appreciate it. Thanks for everything! :thumbup: Nukes Rock! :Nuke TNT:

    IPJ's DeathStar Reactor(tm) --

    5 Chamber Design, 1120 eu/t, 0 Heat, Mark I - SUC-EA (Here's a Pic for Anyone Interested)

    Thanks again,
