Posts by Kane Hart

    so the problem here is when i start industrialcraft 2 v1.43 up i dont get the sounds how ever my friend dose and i installed it just like him and all of the mods he uses i even installed audio mod i try to find a soulution but i cant find one nor can i find where to download a seperate sound pack can somebody help me and also my sounds are enabled equivilent exchange sounds work but not industrialcraft 2 o please help

    check %appdata%/.minecraft/config I think it is and open IC config and make sure sound is enabled. Though for best performance disable them. It's less annoying anyways hah.

    First they have to get old versions of IC2, Minecraft and MCP to decompile it against (or decompile it without MCP and deobfuscate things manually), then recompile it with the latest versions, fix any errors caused by changes in IC2 or Minecraft, test it and make sure it still works, and get permission to release it.

    That just made me cry inside hehe.

    Ah, but still under full affect for WIPO. You did see that it said she was 'unregistered' right?


    Please don't use Minecraft. Consider it a fair and free internet. If you guys are going be jackasses and Nazi's then we should not even have the rights to mod Minecraft let alone Make addons for IC/RP/BC. If Eloraam wants to be crazy fine. Till she can prove and send some lawyers over I don't give a crap nor should the OP. She is monopolizing Minecraft with her mod preventing or lets say making people not want to create anything like it and that is what is really unfair.

    Eloraam is good at what she does but shes not loyal to her fans and followers. Her way or the highway and I'm sorry but that is not how it works in this community. We work as a family a team and we customize things the way we like for our players or personal enjoyment.

    So TBH I rather see Redpower removed from Minecraft so I can get on with my enjoyment and try out the next big thing that allows people to create cool addons for games.

    I wasn't consulted and didn't give permission for this mod.

    In fact, I've specifically disallowed any energy-conversion mod for Blutricity. I have my own plans in mind for that.

    Please remove it.

    This is not Red Power Forums and SOPA Free Site.


    You do know that RedPower2 PR5 was already likely going to include BT/EU transformers? She *really* hates it (I mean absolutely hates it) when someone makes an addon to redpower that overlaps future functionality.

    Wow... ninja'd by the very one I spoke of...

    Corner of your mouth, wipe it.

    OD and OV scanners are kinda imprecise in terms of searching ores, in my opinion.
    People like something that detects the exact location of ores, not something that says : there are ores nearby you, have fun looking for them.

    Or make scanners show how many and which ore(s) are nearby you :D

    This would be cool but might be also a bit over powered hehe.

    Now, you COULD try the Chunkloaded block of additional pipes mod. It does enforce Chunks staying loaded no matter what. Place one in each teleport station and the issue should be solved for the time being.

    Tried it and works. But since were a semi large SMP Server were trying to stay away from this. Mainly because players don't know their boundaries and would start using them for advantages like creating mass amounts of power and such and yeah haha. We actually use the mod though and found the teleport pipes themselves have cut back a lot of lag not having to do the 1000 billion calculations of items and water swishing through the pipes in long distances. I wish it was more like other teleport mods where you can have 5 of them link to 1 kind of thing rather then 1 to 1. This way I might consider doing a central one at spawn for players hehe.

    Like I said good idea but we tested it and felt it would not be practical for our players hehe. But I will keep looking around.