I Found this key purely by luck
I must add its fun seed with the following mods:
Light Sensor Beta - you may need to change its block id to 110
BuildCraft (-ALL-)
- http://www.minecraftforum.net/…__p__4183740#entry4183740
Redpower2 (-ALL-)
- http://www.minecraftforum.net/…ower-logic-redstone-pipe/
MineFactory Reloaded
- http://www.minecraftforum.net/…100/page__hl__minefactory
You Spawn on South of the main Island
Fun Rules:
- You cannot throw anything away you must keep it all (unless you convert it to something else: Scrap or UU Matter / tools / building materials )
- You must be back and in your home on the main island by nightfall (unless in neither or in a mine)
- You MAY NOT swim (or Jump swim) to the surrounding Islands / mainland (You can visit them BUT only if you have a Jetpack / Boat / Bridge / Tunnel / neither portals)
- (you can collect stuff from the sea floor btw)
- You may only use TooMenyItems For your first rubber tree sapling!
- You may only use TooMenyItems For 3x Slime balls! (only for 3x Sticky pistons)
- You may only use TooMenyItems For 1x Red Mushroom + 1x Bonemeal
--- IF not found you may use TooMenyItems for 1x Sugar Cane & 1x Cactus
- You may extend the Island with dirt / stone / gravel
- For 1.8.1 only! (Since Breading isn't available till 1.9)
You may only use TooMenyItems For your First 7x Mob Spawner's
(note MCEdit may be used to set them - 1x pig 1x Cow 1x Chicken 1x Sheep 1x Skeleton 1x Spider 1x Creeper
-> they must be 50 bocks away from your home (Unless Skeleton that one can go under your home in a cave) and 20 blocks away from each other.
MCEdit : http://www.minecraftforum.net/…mpatible-with-mc-beta-18/ )
- Build Home using a Red Mushroom + bonemeal
- Build a Automatic Wheat Farm that uses: Water + Pistons + Light Sensor + planter + pipes (it must also count a 7 days cycle using blocks without using Redpower2 Stuff)
- Build 2x Tree Farms (One Rubber Farm the other Wood Farm)
- Build a Wood to Charcoal Factory
- Build a Tool Production Factory
- Build a Generator power plant capable of running a mass fabricator
- Build a Recycling plant
- Build a Auto Chicken Pen + Collects Enough Eggs for you and then enough to eggs to keep going after Killing the Chickens if there's too many eggs
- Upgrade the Wood Tree farm so it becomes automated
- Upgrade the Wood to Charcoal Factory so it becomes automated and connected to the tree farm
- Deal with Surplus Wood and Charcoal &other items
- Build a Dairy Farm (MineFactory Reloaded - you will need to change a setting in the config to make it not hurt your cows)
- Build a Fish farm
- Build a Cooked Food processing Factory along with Vending machines (Food on demand)
- Bone > Bone meal factory
- Build a inf Cobble stone gen (Bonus if you use Auto miner or Quarry to mine it)
(Will think up more and add later)
Bonus Objectives:
- Make the main Island central valley your home aria
- Make Tunnel to the stronghold to the south + capture and use all the spider spawner's found in there
- Make contact with the town to the North-West of the main island
- Make Solar Charging outposts so you can FLY longer distances
- link up all 7x Mob Spawner's you put down and Tesla the mobs from them
(Will think up more and add later)
Failure: You fail if:
- You Play on Peaceful / Construct
- You Eat you home
- You Die hungry
- Did not make it home at night (you need to be home before midnight) Exception: You may mine the night away
- If a creeper blows up your home
- Make you home on the mainland / or bed on mainland
- Run out of eggs to re-spawn chickens in your pen after there dead
- You fail if you cannot deal with CPU lagging Mass Surplus items
Good luck 
BTW if you want to use Toomenyitems / Construct / peaceful to spawn build everything then use "Cheated" in your post
>> Lets see how you do with Screenshots and map uploads
Make a New Shout-cut's on your desktop with these commands to easily get to them
- %appdata%\.minecraft\saves
call it "Minecraft - Worlds"
- %appdata%\.minecraft\screenshots
call it "Minecraft - Screenshots"
- %appdata%\.minecraft\config
call it "Minecraft - Mods Config"