Thanks for the log.
Calcium Silicate should not actually be in there, oops.
Apatite is the fertiliser component from forestry
Certus Quartz is the A&E quartz
Crystal Flux is from Thaumcraft I assume?
Posts by LinusPhoenix
Hey Greg, love the mod.
I've started building vertically for space efficiency. When coupled with factorization's router, applied energistics, and "barrel" style layouts (1 EU cable in the center surrounded by 4 of the same machine on each layer) you can make some very compact designs.
My suggestion is including a transposed mode for your multiblock structures. What I mean by that is making the component layout not necessarily in the x-z plane. In particular the fusion reactor. The other machines like the blast furnace could have some strange looking designs come out of it for advanced machine casing efficiency (number of advanced casings per machine block). This would ultimately be a more aesthetic change but could have some interesting consequence. I'm also not familiar with the ins and outs of minecraft and modding so I don't know how practical building multiblocks in the x-y or y-z plane even is from a coding perspective.
Guys, what if the fusion reactor built upwards is actually a stargate but Greg has never told us? Sinnaj would lose his shit.
But seriously, I assume it is kinda tedious to implement it, but for something as big as the fusion reactor, it could be worth the effort (do these things actually work now?)
Unidye 1.4.0:
- fixed the CommonProxy bug (invultri, it should work now)
- Added the Crystalliser (placeholder texture I quickly assembled using other textures until Sirus is finished with the actual ones)
- Added a log message if unknown gems are detected so I can make recipes for them (please report that to me or other gems who might not be oredict-registered)
- Added Crystalliser Recipes
- Without GT: Dyes + uuM -> gems
- With GT: mostly just reversal of centrifuge/industrial electrolyzer recipes
- Added a config option to toggle the use of UU-Matter
- Rephrased the licenseWhoops, forgot a little Ninja update. Can someone see if it works or if a file is missing or something?
Are you playing 1.7 or what kind of stained glass is that?
*whips Sirus* less doge, more Crystalliser
Please....killl me.... - forum board cat
You can just check it once every x ticks, not every tick. That's how I do it with my fishing station.
No one is going to exploit the fact that the water mill still works for 20 seconds after you replace the water with something
Well, maybe we should have asked the people first
But since it was only stating an exploit that's no longer around anymore, I guess it doesn't matter too much, thank you
SpwnX or any other mod, is it possible to make a new second post in the Unidye thread? I am approaching the character limit
Here's my Nano Hammer.
Hope it'll help. Just a random guess: did you override your hasContainerItem() to always return true?I already fixed it (sorry, should have edited that)
I guess I could with some effort, but I don't like the upgrades saving to NBT..maybe only the transformer upgrades.
So, the code part is finished, I am only waiting on the Crystalliser Textures from Sirus now.
The version after that will most likely feature every machine having a hidden Steam tank and a Steam upgrade similar to GT (if railcraft is installed) and infused gold ore in the nether.
I used NEI's deobfuscator and still it was crashing others could fix it by manually deobfuscating it with immibis' tool but it didn't for me, it's weird
Load the config file in preInit once and save the config IDs, booleans, etc in just normal variables. Then you can use these without needing to load the config a second time.
If you get TE's api to work in your dev environment, please do tell. I always get crashes, something to do with deobfuscation I think.
try downloading the applet and use it from your computer instead of from the website.
also try updating your java. -
Pump UUM from the MassFab into a Replicator, which should be placed next to a pattern storage.
You need to scan items (for example iridium ore) in the Replicator first before you can reproduce them out of UU-Matter.
I'd tell you more, but I haven't used the new system yet, sorry.Also, if you are taking the time to actually reply to this, you might as well give the answer. No need to be a jerk.
What is so troubling about only dealing with eu/t? The voltages are easy to remember:
8192 (that one is a bit hard, I admit)Now, the only thing you need to check is if your generated eu/t exceeds these limits at your weakest cable / lowest machine. Best is, you only use cables which voltages you actually use (e.g. don't use glass fibre cable in a place you could use tin cable). Then, when adding a generator you just see "Hm, I already have 3 and they each produce 10 eu/t, maybe I shouldn't be doing this.."
Also, transformer upgrades if a transformer in front of every machine is too bothersome for you. I really would like if they found a way to revert the transformer behaviour. That's the only thing I can say. You can also paint cables..You could even write the eu/t you produce on a sign and wouldn't even need to calcute the eu/t everytime, only add the ones from your new generator.
How is that not more intuitive to a new player, maybe one that doesn't really care about the science behind it, than the old system.
"Okay, here I have 1000000 individual solar panels producing 1000000 eu/t." "Ah, so that's how IC² works."
Ten minutes later..
*BOOM* "What the hell did you do?!" "I just connected this MV solar array, it doesn't even produce 1000000 eu/t, why did it go boom?"/rant
A mortal tries to acquire the secrets of the doge? Unacceptable.
Forge tutorials, they are really useful for getting basic stuff right.