Posts by LinusPhoenix

    this IS the new Gregtech way of crafting the generator :D

    Now, before you get mad, let's go further into detail:

    GregTech now adds the "Bronze Age", a set of machines which are made of bronze and take steam instead of electricity. You need to get these and the Bronze Blast Furnace to make your first steel which you can use for your first electric machines.
    There is a Steam Smelter (like an Alloy Smelter), a Steam Furnace, a Steam Boiler (wel duh), a Steam powered Forge Hammer, a Squeezing Extractor and a Sturdy Grinder.
    You need the Bronze Blast Furnace to make Steel. You need the Steam Boiler to power every other Bronze Age Machine. You need the Squeezing Extactor to get your first rubber. You need the Sturdy Grinder for Lazurite Dust which is used in Advanced Circuits (and a Macerator for example needs those). The Steam Forge Hammer hammers plates without needing to craft a hammer first. The Steam Smelter will get you a better Copper/Tin to bronze Ratio (3 Copper+1 Tin -> 4 Bronze, compared to 1 Bronze when you craft ingots together and 3 Bronze when you craft dusts together). The Sturdy Grinder can macerate ore blocks into crushed ores, which when smelted give 10 nuggets instead of 1 ingot. (so you get a 10% increase).
    You can get more information here

    Put a null check before you do anything with the ItemStack from my way of doing it and it should be failsafe.

    And of course your Edit will also crash since it is exactly the same code just in one line. You'll always get a NullPointerException when you try to access the itemID of a null Object.

    int copperid = copperstack.itemID;

    If that gives a NullPointerException then it can only be because copperstack is null. Copperstack can only be null if Items.getItem("copperOre"); return null, which only happens if the IC2 config enableWorldGen is on false or the api doesn't support that call anymore. Try getting copper ore using the OreDictionary.

    ItemStack copperstack = OreDictionary.getOres("oreCopper").get(0).copy();

    What does this do? OreDictionary.getOres("oreCopper") returns a list of the ItemStacks that are registered as "oreCopper". get(0) returns the element at the index 0 of that list, so the first one that was registered. This means if other mods than ic2 have copper ore in the OreDict, you might spawn a different copper ore, but that shouldn't be a problem. copy() is a "security" measure you should get used to use. Many people just get an ItemStack from the OreDictionary and modify its StackSize, ItemDamage or other things and thus break the OreDict Entry since ItemStacks follow the call-by-reference principle. copy() ensures you are not messing anything up.

    Unidye 1.4.2:

    - fixed a bug with the Crystalliser when using Steam.
    - fixed some things for the Chromatic Generator, please break every single one in your world before updating (now it has 10k EU internal storage).
    - removed the centrifuge Unidye recipes because they created an exploit. added a recipe for uuMatter to turn into Unidye.
    - nerfed the Electric Fishing Rod / Superfish-Catcher recipes.
    - added recipes for the chromatic generator.
    - disabled shift-clicking for slots since it is colliding with my feature of simple automation through a single pipe (until I can come up with a viable solution).
    - fixed recipes who had the old infused gold ratio.
    - fixed yellowcake textures.
    - renamed all assets to fit the lowerCamelCase convention.

    Minecraft won't load if there are blockID Conflicts, that is not an IC² issue.
    If there are itemID conflicts (which are detected upon loading a world), GT aborts the game iirc, since itemID Conflicts can mess up a lot of things.
    Look into your minecraft folder, there should be forge logs as well as an IDConflict.txt or such. Everything you need to know is in there (which block/item is getting overwritten, by which block from which mod, they even suggest you free ID ranges!).
    Then go into your config and change all the conflicting IDs so no blocks/items share the same ID. Apart from that, we can't really help you.

    Good that you test it without mcpc but your post contains so little information that no-one will be able to help you.

    Industrialcraft² Version? Forge Version? Forge logs? Can you narrow it down to a specific area / specific blocks? Maybe you have a chunkloader near a lot of machines that's bugging out, causing the chunk to be unloaded quite a lot?

    Unidye 1.4.1:

    - Tweaked the Crystalliser so recipes are not dependant on the order of the input (if uvwx works, xvuw also works). Also, OreDictUnification Support if GT is installed.
    - Added the Chromatic Generator: Generates 1 EU/t for every type of dye in it, up to 16. Unidye doubles its output. Up to 32 EU/t. One Dye (and 1 Unidye) is consumed every 50 seconds.
    - Shift-clicking items to put them into the Crystalliser is at the moment slightly buggy and completely disabled for the Chromatic Generator
    - tidied up
    - tidied up a little more
    - completed textures for crystalliser (thanks to SirusKing)
    - completed textures for the chromatic generator
    - animated textures for the blocks mentioned above
    - changed the amount of fluid stored to a long instead of an integer, see if that fixes the SMP glitch with the crystalliser's uuMatter tank.

    The Crystalliser thing is not happening in SSP, right?
    I am guessing on server side it gets truncated to a short, meaning I can either:
    - Try saving the amount in a long
    - save the amount internally in buckets instead of milibuckets (which would be really weird)
    - recode the tank in a better way

    I'll see what I can do. Shift-clicking is also something I need to work on, I disabled it for the Chromatic Generator completely because it was able to put things into the wrong slot, which is kinda exploity.
    Therefore, the Crystalliser recipe blacklist works. :)

    The code to add the recipe itself is correct, so let's go through some other things..

    Is that the main class of your mod? If so, it should actually work. is missing stuff.
    If not, are you actually calling the method load()?

    Which version of forge and IC² api are you using?
    Does it just not work or do you get some kind of message / exception in the log? Are you sure you are looking for the recipe correctly?

    EDIT: yeah, mak is right, derp.