DOes this work for SMP?
Posts by iTzWrekKeD
oh I get it now I can't just drop EE2 into the mods folder
yea you open it
Could I get whitelisted please?
you've been added. you can go on and play now.
Addition Pipes v32.3 is now needed. Get the new config and start playing today.
Whitelist updated!
Added names:
Magentis -
Server has been updated. Some mods taken out, but hopefully it is all fixed now. Hopefully no more armor equipping client crashes. New config needed!!!! Got get it and get on.
Why is server not online
i have nothing better to do
Idk why the server is not on I'll ask brave when I next talk to him probably later today
EE isnt working :L could u fox it or is it just me?Advanced Machines isnt working propally, i think there may be a bug. When i place the Rotary macorator it doesnt get power. i have tested this out on singleplayer and it worked fine?
Until I can see if there is a bug report for it already just use some over clockers in a normal one and I'll refund the items when I can
I crashed when I put on a batpack. I'm ad because I love the server and I can't get back on.
I'll try to fix it tomorrow but there is no guarantee it will be fixed. Give me a crash report and I'll tell Brave to see what he can do about it.
EE isnt working :L could u fox it or is it just me?
we will be using EE2 v1.38 when we get the rest of the mods we have to the newer v of bukkit.
and you need the newest version of forge to get it running -
When i place aditionalpipes 32-3 into my mods folder and run minecraft it crashes and tells me:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 179 is already occupied by ee.BlockEEDevice@14b4b3a when adding buildcraft.zeldo.ChunkLoader.BlockChunkLoader@37dde9
at oe.(
at oe.(
at aew.(
at buildcraft.zeldo.ChunkLoader.BlockChunkLoader.(
at mod_zAdditionalPipes.ModsLoaded(
at ModLoader.init(
at ModLoader.AddAllRenderers(
at afq.(
at afq.(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:265)
at Source)Im using MinecraftForge do u know what is the problem?
all it means is that there is a block id problem. try getting the configs on the front page of the server topic. i updated them to have the EE config implemented.
And remember to check this post everyday or so there may be some new configs that fix issues such as yours.
i cant seem to break blocks?
yea idk what happened there. hopefully its fixed
Could u possably put up a downloadable .minecraft file with all the mods installed?
That is illegal and i would get in trouble for a few reasons.
1. Putting up a downloadable .minecraft folder would be like giving away the game for free.
2. I DO NOT own the mods or intend to ask the creators for permission to put their mods in a mod pack.If you have problems installing the mods or finding them contact me on skype or just repost on here.
2.4 doesnt work either
Do you have any extra mods installed? Those are the same configs I have in mine and they work perfect. There is a problem on your end. Everyone else can use them fine. Cosmix uses 2.3 i believe and his works just fine.
yea .. I can fill and use water buckets just fine.
Wonder what's happening there. We can't use them for some odd reason. -
You cannot fill water buckets in SMP. Even with redpower's deployer. They appear to be full but when you go to place them they with place the water and it immediately disappears.
I can't get the old upload for the modular forcefield, Its at V1.1Beta5_1 now not the Regular 5 so I can't get on it.
Well there are new bukkit ports available for IC2, RP4d and BC 2.2.12. As soon as the others we have are available it will be bukkit so whatever version they have ported we will be using.
worked before, got config 2.3 and i get java.lang.NullPointer.exception. Ids screwed up again. Please put 2.2 back again, accidently deleted it.
Config 2.4 is up. Go get it!