Posts by wollfgarr

    Just a FYI.. there are only 2 bugs i have noticed so far.. 1. incorrect power for the solar array's *been posted here already. and 2. No sound from the systems at all. Normal world sounds happen etc but nothing from the machines.

    I did have to change the block ID's though to get it to work with the other mods i have.

    These block ID's worked for me.. I simply changed them in the file it created on my HD.


    I am running these mods etc .
    MineCraft 1.1
    buildcraft 3.1.3 (everything)
    enderchest-client 1.0.1
    forestry A-
    Industrialcraft2 1.64
    lasermod 1.3
    logisticspipes BC3 0.1.8
    Redpower 2.0 pr4d (all of the mods)
    Sneakypipes 0.0.2
    Equivilent exchange 6.18

    I forgot Portal gun

    And of course all the dependencies for those

    All of these mod's are used in Direolf20's let's play. And he had been waiting on adv machines :)

    Oh a side note. I have not had and issues at all with Shift clicking.

    I asked something very similar to this, and Alblaka gave me this reply.

    I know next to nothing about java coding. Any idea what she means by "interfaces" ? Slightly confused here.

    Can't you just look at the BC code to see what you need? Probably showing my ignorance here but, it would seem to me that would be the best way to see what you need to connect a new block with say a power pipe.

    IE look at gold power pipe code. See what it takes to interface two of them together and then make a new block with that code and the code it takes to connect to a IC power line block.

    Unless?? you can't see the code?

    I do not see the problem. Its already been done with the Additional pipes/telaport pipes mod.

    Name: Power Converter

    Like the title says. Many Many people have both IC and Buildcraft installed. What would be nice
    is if we could use IC power to run BC stuff and vice versa.


    I suggest a 1 block addition. It would interface between the power cables from IC and the power tubes from BC. That way we can have the awesomeness of IC powering BC quarry's etc.

    The Real world example of this would be a AC to DC converter. you can think of buildcraft as being AC current and IC as being the DC current.

    Would really like to see this added in because the more options you have in a game world the better.

    Recipe: i have no idea.. But i think it should have some of the :Advanced Circuit: advanced circuits and :EC Meter: EC meter.