Posts by mestake

    Wow, that looks amazing! :thumbup:
    I'm not gonna even attempt that. I once built an automated Industrial diamond factory and it almost killed my computer every time I walked near it lol :D

    OT, how do you get water into buckets? Automatically?
    I mean you can use BC pumps to get water into BC tanks but it's still in it's liquid form.

    A block that emits very low voltage 1-3 EU (some use for tin cable) when it gets redstone signal

    A block that emits redstone signal when it gets low EU and explode when it gets too much EU (over 3)

    Wire inputs on top and bottom and outputs for redstone on every other side

    So you could place wires on walls or ceiling and then convert it to redstone signal.
    Like this
    :Batbox: ______
    :Advanced Machine: ______

    With __ being redstone, or using lever to activate Transformer
    :Batbox: = Transformer

    :Advanced Machine: = emitter

    I know that this is partially what Eloraam's Red Power does but having IC2 and BC with all the pipes and wiring already turns my MineCraft into a slideshow, so I don't feel like installing any more mods. ;(

    Also I suck at making up names, so feel free (and I hope you will) to change them if someone will implement it.

    EDIT: or make uninsulated cables emit redstone signal