Posts by Kukkaherra

    SDK had the modloadermp released at first but as far as i know he didnt have time to update it so flan has been keeping it up to date until recently. and now, as the newest version release thread says, you are to use SDK's version now that its updated again

    note that HV cable is also capable of carrying EV packets at 2048. using that it doesn't lose all that much, relatively. Above a certain distance it loses less power than glass fibre.

    I do know this, but the thing is, he doesn't have a redstoned HV Transformer to force 2048 EU packets. He's using an MFSU + HV cable without transformers, that's probably why he's getting such a huge loss of EU.

    HV cable has the biggest EU loss / distance. Check the current near the MFSU, and see if it is degrading fast when moving further away from it. Most likely your best bet would be to use glass-fibre cable instead of HV cable.

    This is my cyrrent solar farm layout with a mirror of this behind me (unfinished though) I keep changing the layout every now and then, but the basic principles of my solar farms are always the same:

    Solar panels connected to tin wire -> LV Transformer(redstoned) (it can output up to a whopping 128 EU/t, it was coded to the mod to prevent bottlenecking in transforming currents) -> connected to an MV transformer (redstoned, again) -> glass fibre cable connected to EU storage and distribution

    I installed IC2 and BC to my private server two weeks ago, and we love it! These are our main accomplishments:

    We fell in love with the solar panels almost immediately, so we're using them to power all the machines in our base. Currently there are two and a half stacks set up, we're aiming for the full 8 stacks (512/t)

    Let's get the most important thing out of the way first, all the basic machines:

    4 Induction furnaces
    10 Macerators
    2 Extractors
    2 Compressors

    All the machines except the furnaces are wired to dump their output to the chest on the right, like this

    What next you might ask? FOOD

    The wheat farm collects al the seeds and wheat with obsidian pipes, and theres an automatic crafting table turning the wheat to bread, and pushing it to our main storage area with pipes.

    Now, I had to study quite a long time until I understood how to wire up the mass fab to my energy grid, and this is what I came up with

    The main energy input line connects to the MFSU's and the mass fab, and it splits the current roughly equally this way. Input goes to the side, output comes from bottom (note: the glass fibre cables are separated via different colors, it's just a graphical bug) Using this setup allowed me to place the MFSU's for easy access to recharge any equipment/crystals one might have. The white/blue pipe is a teleporter pipe, connected to a cactus farm, providing the recycler with materials, and the moving them automatically to the mass fabricator.

    Everything you see here is legit

    I would like to see buttons, that wouldn't get knocked off the wall, or completely destroyed, by a creeper explosion. Currently pairing reinforced stone wall with a reinforced door gives excellent creeper protection, but turns next to useless, if you need to craft a new button to be able to get in your base.