Posts by Alblaka

    I'm sort of careful regarding the marketing of stories ^^' The last time I tried, I've wasted a 4-digit sum.
    Eventually I should try the Kindle route of selling stories, I think there are less costs for the publishment.

    Link to story.
    All necessary information over there.

    On a sidenote:
    Should I be seriously worried if I have the tendancy to write storys usually revolving around death, blood, gore or otherwise 'dark themes'?
    I'm starting to worry I've hidden and potentially fatalistic attitudes :O

    Ok, honestly, red the red letters. Please!
    Be advised the story contains
    severe gore, blood, profane language (swearing). Additionally, the content of the story (/mentality of the characters) could be considered disgusting/desturbing.
    Be advised I do NOT associate myself with anything that happens in the story and/or any character present in the story.

    I simply had the sudden need to simply WRITE SOMETHING. After ~one hour of brain storming, a few keywords hit my mind:
    Freedome, Power, Blood, Insanity.
    I mixed up a few different story intros I've somewhen thought of and then simply started writing, without designed plotline,
    simply led by 'Hmm, what could happen next'.
    The story and it's plot-turns suprised me as much as they will suprise readers but overall I think it's an interesting story with a slightly different twist.

    I dunno whether whether this will stay a solo-standing thing. It leaves enough space to write other shortys connecting to this one. We'll see...

    Feel free to discuss this story HERE.

    Why are IC² nukes blacklisted? They didn't exist in IC, in IC only IC nukes existed, not IC² nukes, and you posted this in the IC section, so it doesn't have IC², but IC, right? By the way, since when does IC² have chunkloaders? Oh wait, you said chuck loaders. Since when can something in IC² load Chuck Norris?


    We first need to evaluate whether porting to 1.3 will have direct benefits for IC2 and how much work it would be to pull off the port.
    I personally wouldn't mind sticking to 1.2.5 until the API is released, but as soon as the other Tek-Mods update we'll be forced to do so as well.

    So, upload of the last two remaining parts of Chapter 2 today.
    Yes, you heard right, TWO parts at once. However, on the downside I cannot yet tell you when the next TDC part will follow.
    I still didn't manage to plan a proper plotline for Chapter 3, it just feels like something is lacking. And without plotline, I cannot write a proper story. Part 1 is done, but I will not reveal it before I'm sure I will stick to the plot-idea started there. ^^'

    Please have patience.


    1) It's distributed for free so it's not stealing. If you got something for free and then give it away, the person you give it to did not steal it from the original owner.

    IC², f.e., is only free-distribution in regards to personal use. Anything else is forbidden until permission is given.
    And most mods have similar copyrights, afaik this applies to Forestry as well.

    Sidenote: I've just now found out that crops have a semi-malicious sideeffect: If you "fall", just a pixel, at a cropblock, it will drop itself and turn the farmland into dirt.
    The issue: This even applies if you "drop" from a normal-height block onto a 15/16th height farmblock, thus walking from normal block to cropblock destroys crops.