Now that you mentioned it yes i am
Posts by THE_BOOMZ
The moment I place a small electric engine Minecraft Crashes. (Saving Chunks then black screen)
As far as I know the other engines don't cause any problems, I know for sure that the medium and industrial engines can be placed and work as I am using them currently.Aside from that Great Job And I will Definitely be using this from now on.
I'm Pretty sure limited space is not an issue, I think it is an interaction bug between IC2 rubber saplings and RP2 deployers, Maybe some collaboration between yourself And Eloraam would help or maybe even solve the problem. I'm pretty sure neither one has a problem on their own I just think It is when the two start to interact with eachother.
If you would like I could contact eloraam again.
just right next to it
Okay I tried that and if i right clicked on the grass block directly under the placed sapling with another rubber sappling then nothing happened but when I right clicked on the sapling itself with another sapling the sapling I was holding was planted. So I was not able to duplicate the error ''by hand" so to speak.
except I'm not using a block breaker.
Basicly any item that you put inside is used as if the player had right clicked while holding said item.
So for instance a normal block would just be placed, Or a flint and steel will make fire.
I can't really get much more specific as I am not Eloraam and as a result did not code the deployer.
I brought this to the attention of Eloraam who told me that she thought it was a bug with IC2
Here is video I made of exactly what is happening. -
Well it turns out it was the fact that it needed an audio device, so when i installed my sound card Everything worked.
I have been using and playing mods for a while now so I am no stranger to how to install them, I have had my share of problems before but I always seem to be able to figure them out, however this problem takes the cake, so to speak.
I have been having lots of problems with minecraft recently, which is strange considering i have been using a combination of mods that used to work just fine for me. so I decided to start with a fresh jar and install things over again.
I have installed the following mods in this order:
ModloaderMP fix
Minecraft forge 1.1.1
IC2 1.15 (i just copied the jar into the mod folder just to be clear)I was going to install buildcraft, and a few other of the really good techy mods but i decided I will just start with ic2.
however upon starting up this is the error I got.Oct 17, 2011 1:15:10 PM ModLoader init
FINE: ModLoader Beta 1.8.1 Initializing...
Oct 17, 2011 1:15:11 PM ModLoader readFromModFolder
FINER: Adding mods from C:\Documents and Settings\Our\Application Data\.minecraft\mods\industrialcraft-2-client_1.15.jar
Oct 17, 2011 1:15:11 PM ModLoader readFromModFolder
FINER: Zip found.
Oct 17, 2011 1:15:11 PM ModLoader addMod
FINE: Failed to load mod from "mod_IC2.class"
Oct 17, 2011 1:15:11 PM ModLoader addMod
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.lwjgl.openal.AL10.nalGenSources(ILjava/nio/IntBuffer;I)V
at org.lwjgl.openal.AL10.nalGenSources(Native Method)
at org.lwjgl.openal.AL10.alGenSources(
at ic2.platform.AudioManager.testSourceCount(
at ic2.platform.AudioManager.initialize(
at mod_IC2.initialize(
at ic2.platform.Ic2.<init>(
at mod_IC2.<init>(
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at ModLoader.addMod(
at ModLoader.readFromModFolder(
at ModLoader.init(
at ModLoader.AddAllRenderers(
at aam.<init>(
at aam.<clinit>(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:259)
at Source)
Oct 17, 2011 1:15:21 PM ModLoader readFromClassPath
FINER: Adding mods from C:\Documents and Settings\Our\Application Data\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar
Oct 17, 2011 1:15:21 PM ModLoader readFromClassPath
FINER: Zip found.
Oct 17, 2011 1:15:21 PM ModLoader AddAllRenderers
FINE: InitializedDoes anyone know whats going on?
I have redownloaded everything with the hopes that maybe a file was missing when i installed something but nothing i do helps.