Posts by BrickedKeyboard

    If you look at the enchantments list, none of the things there are as good as quantum armor or electric tools. Some of the items are real handy - such as a silk touch pick or one that causes extra drops sometimes - but nothing gamebreaking so long as you can't enchant that quantum armor or that rechargable mining drill. You can get water breathing on a magic helmet, or you can get water breathing AND partial immunity to all damage AND automatic feeding AND automatic poison antidote AND rechargability on a quantum helmet. You can get resistance to explosions or lava on a magic piece of armor, or get immunity to ALL damage on quantum armor.

    So this is easy to fix. Add an isenchantable hook to Forge and make it so none of the electric IC2 items are enchantable. It probably would work fine if the Bronze items could be enchanted...make them equal in tier to iron items with less durability. That way, players would still be able to spend their experience on stuff, the game wouldn't crash, and everyone would be happy.

    How exactly are enchantments going to fit in? I guess this is more of a question than a suggestion, because I don't know how they SHOULD fit in. I'm thinking the bronze armor and tools should be enchantable as if they were iron armor/tools. I don't really know if the mining drill/chainsaw or the nano/quantum armor should be enchantable. I looked at the code : both inherit from ItemTool, so maybe they'll be enchantable out of the box. But magic? How does that even fit in with industrialcraft...

    On my machine, rubber trees grow ridiculously fast. I have 2 rows of them in an orchard, and I'm not even done with harvesting the second row (about 5 minutes) when some of the trees in the first row are already regrown. Further, I had a forest fire today, and the rubber trees were regrowing so fast that they didn't burn down - they stayed intact because they were regrowing leaves faster than the fire could burn them.

    Yes I looked at this as well. In short, recyclers need to be nerfed massively if you are playing with redpower 2, because redpower 2 cobble generators take no energy to run. So on my world, recyclers need 10x more energy to run, and I also make the diamond rate 1% instead of 3%.

    Increasing the construction cost or reducing the output have the exact same net effect : reducing the EU/material invested. Reducing the output is easier to do because I don't have to update the client to reflect a new recipe.

    I use the solar lag fix so twice as many solars are not a big problem for me. Plus, I like the idea that a decent solar array has to be gigantic in space on the ground.

    So I've posted this several other places. I agree 100% that renewable energy in general is way too OP, with solar being the worst culprit because it requires the least planning and effort to install.

    So I made the following tweaks :
    Solar output is HALVED. It's still good because it's easy to setup, but half the power is a lot more fair compared to nonrenewable energy.
    Wind Output reduced by 30% (so 70% of the old output). It's still really good compared to solar, the only downside of wind if you need a lot of space and a lot of wiring and transformers and more setup time. More effort and planning on the part of the player = more reward.
    Water Generators only work if the block near them is moving when they are in passive mode. They are un-nerfed in active mode, so are really good if you set up an automated bucket feed system. Again, that's planning and effort done by the player.

    Nuclear Fuel lasts five times longer. Nuclear always required HUGE amounts of planning and effort to build reactors that don't explode, and there's a lot of work needed just to assemble the parts for 1 reactor. So the output/tick is unchanged but longer fuel life means it is more competitive with renewable energy, instead of exhausting fuel in a couple hours. (while you could stay afk for a week with solar and get ridiculous amounts of EU)

    Yes, there was always nuclear breeding, but breeding is a lot more tending and micro and it's flat out dangerous.

    Everything else is unchanged.

    The way I connected mine, I lose one block of water cooling. This isn't an issue in operation because I either use a Mark V CASUC or I use a redstone sequencer to control cycle on/off ratios (duty cycle) .

    I would recommend sticking wire all over the darn reactor, then testing to see if it works. Remove some wire, and repeat the test. Eventually you'll figure out what has to be done.

    I finally realized why the miner was getting stuck. Each time it was stuck, I'd dig down to where the miner head was, and if it wasn't water or lava, it would be spiderweb. If I removed the drill and replaced it, without removing the spiderweb, the miner would get stuck again. If I broke the spiderweb, then removed and replaced the drill, the miner would start up and usually run until completion.

    Yes. I kept having my reactor stop outputting as well. Eventually, I did 2 things that fixed it : I put an MFE as the first stop in the wiring run from the reactor, rather than a transformer. I then placed a wire that touches the bottom of the reactor AND touches the side of the reactor AND touches the bottom face of the side block and the side face of the bottom block.

    After that, it always outputted power. It's the wire, somehow. I did look in the reactor code, I don't see any obvious reasons for the bug, but it's there.

    This is a decent form of energy storage in real life, and the cables are also good. But consider how it is compared to this game. We already have the ability to store ludicrous amounts of energy in MFS units. We already have near perfect conductors that are very costly (glass fiber cable). And if you want to talk realism, consider how flywheels are a VERY high tech form of storage, and their energy density is so poor that only experimental ones in research labs can store a significant amount of energy. The commercial ones store no more than batteries.

    Wow, finally, someone who thinks I am on the right track. I think of the nuclear generators in IC2 as being extremely small reactors more like the early test reactors used in the 1940s, which is why you don't get much power from them. I know solar is still too good, but it needs to have some utility. The CASUC designs don't use an external heat sink : they just bring in fresh water all the time that turns to steam and vents to the atmosphere. This would be VERY dirty and would probably kill Steve in hours from radiation exposure...but it does work.

    Exactly. In response to this post, I made the following tweaks to the jar my server runs on :

    1. Solar Panels only produce 60% of the output energy they normally produce
    2. Wind generators are cut to 70% of their normal output energy
    3. Water Generators require flow blocks around them to work, not still water (so slightly harder in placement)

    And of course, to compensate for this dumb nerf of not being able to make uranium from UUM : nuclear fuel lasts five times longer.

    So you don't get infinite energy from that Mark V CASUC...but the fuel for it lasts about 13 real life hours. Also, breeding is unchanged, so you can breed a LOT more fuel per cycle if you keep swapping fuel.

    These changes are signficantly more realistic, I feel. Solar photovoltaic is a LOW density energy source...peak output can be high but the sun is actually only out full strength about 4 hours out of 24 hours in a day. You'd need a LOT of panels to compete with a nuclear reactor. Same for wind. And it isn't possible to get energy from water in real life unless the water is moving.

    And finally, real nuclear reactors can run for years on one load of fuel, and obtaining the fuel is cheap compared to the other costs of running a nuclear plant. It is possible to get huge gains with breeding even with water cooled reactors in real life. This change also has the effect that any reactor that is not a Mark 1 is going to blow up eventually on my server. A Mark II won't work : the reactor calculator may tell you it's safe, but you'd be wrong...

    These changes make building a complex and dangerous set of nuclear reactors (or 1 mark I CASUC) a more viable option than the 2000 solar farm shown above.