I have a batbox hooked up to a bunch of machines with cables inbetween. On world load sometimes the machines stop receiving power. To fix it I just break the cable that is connected to the machine and replace.
Posts by Andrakon
I am glad to hear the new version will be out soon. My old computer died on me so I don't have access to MC 1.2.4, so I am stuck without until then.
Not to mention not opening minecraft since 1.0... Its been a wile.
I started making a bunch of Industrialcraft and Buildcraft tutorials, and I like to build awesome things! Join me for some fun, tips and tricks, and awesome building!
I upload nearly every day on my channel Badashgames, come by and hang out with me!
Getting started with Industrial Craft 2
Special Tools of Industrial Craft 2
Using the Miner, Pump, and Geothermal Energy
Easy Iris 3x3 Piston Door
How to make Industrial Diamonds
How to use a Buildcraft Quarry
Industrialcraft Energy Storage (MFE, MFSU, MV and LV transformers)
Industrialcraft Magnetizer Elevator
How to Build and Use a Nuclear Reactor!Lets Play
Hanging out, Hiding piston house, Intro to Buildcraft (Part 1)
Hanging out, Self Building Castle, Piston Maze (Part 2)
Hanging out, Epic Build! (Part 3)
Self building and repairing castle! -
Here is my preferred reactor
Mark II
50 eu/t
Reaches about 6500 heat by the end of the cycle
3 chambered and fairly cheep to make!
I use this in game and it works great!
Just put your water source block 3 blocks above the reactor so it won't evaporate.
I got 3 of these next to each other, T shaped, just one block apart sharing some of the water blocks.