Posts by Clumsyfunk

    Just wondering where I should submit a bug report, if in fact this is a bug, as this forum threat seems inactive.

    I submitted a bug to the IC2 team, was told it was an issue with CompactSolars.

    Original Bug report:

    Basically, hooking up one lv solar array and one generator to a batbox causes the batbox to explode. My though was that the lv solar array was 8eu/t, and the generator 10eu/t, which is 18eu/t. Less then max input limit of the batbox, 32eu/t.

    In response to my IC2 bug, I was told that the lv solar array outputs 32eu every 4 ticks, opposed to 8eu/t. Meaning that on the 4th tick, the lv solar array & generator are feeding the batbox 42eu, more then the max input of 32eu causing the batbox to explode.

    This all makes sense, however I am left wondering why? Is this intended to work this way? 32eu every 4 ticks is the same as 8eu every one tick. Other then making it require one batbox for every lv solar array even though its actually only feeding it at 8eu/t.

    Again I am left wondering why? Is it a measure to reduce lag by calculating 1/4 of the time? Or...

    Sorry if this has been discussed and/or documented elsewhere. I was just left a little confused. Cheers.