Posts by BJR1984

    I was thinking that the fuse and breaker could have its own slot that only they could occupy and the machine wouldn't function without them as an added for very early if you didn't wont to craft a fuse you could put a wire in there. there would be no protection offered the machine would operate.

    Also the recipe for the fuse was tried to make cheep so it would be easy to make the breaker quite a bit more expensive as it is more od a permanent fix as it will trip and not need either repair of trashed and a new one made

    the electromagnet is a component of the circuit breaker very similar to a coil could be used instead

    I have always hated the way machines blow up though I like the concept. but I seam to be forever shorting my MV with my LV line then boom

    so my idea was for early game Fuses and Late game Breakers

    • 32 EU/t fuse - (2 Glass Pane, 2 Tin Item Casing, 1 Tin Cable)
    • 128 EU/t fuse - (2 Glass Pane, 2 Copper Item Casing, 1 Copper Cable)
    • 512 EU/t fuse - (2 Glass Pane, 2 Gold Item Casing, 1 Gold Cable)
    • 2048 EU/t fuse - (2 Glass Pane, 2 Iron Item Casing, 1 Iron Cable)

    • 32 EU/t Breaker - (1 Lever, 4 Item Casing, 2 Tin Cable, 32 EU/t Electromagnet, 1 Advanced Circuit)
    • 128 EU/t Breaker - (1 Lever, 4 Item Casing, 2 Copper Cable, 128 EU/t Electromagnet, 1 Advanced Circuit)
    • 512 EU/t Breaker - (1 Lever, 4 Item Casing, 2 Gold Cable, 512 EU/t Electromagnet, 1 Advanced Circuit)
    • 2048 EU/t Breaker - (1 Lever, 4 Item Casing, 2 Iron Cable, 2048 EU/t Electromagnet, 1 Advanced Circuit)

    • 32 EU/t Electromagnet - (8 Tin Cable, 1 Tin Plate)
    • 128 EU/t Electromagnet - (8 Copper Cable, 1 Copper Plate)
    • 512 EU/t Electromagnet - (8 Gold Cable, 1 Gold Plate)
    • 2048 EU/t Electromagnet - (8 Iron Cable, 1 Iron Plate)

    Something like that no if you put a 128EU/t Fuse/Breaker in to a 32EU/t machine = boom

    something to think about. Recipes are just an idea willing to change the to make better

    Thanks Love the mod