Posts by chloe

    chloe : Actually, the point of this mod was just to bring a tier 5 SU to IC2, like Greg did in GT4 or less, except it was just supposed to be a SU, not AESU or IDSU ^_^' , however me and Xbony are glad you like it, and about the texture, the mfsu like texture is gonna change, because I just didn't finished it, because it's supposed to look like the EV transformer ( in terms of colours ) , but I added some blue lines, GT style :D :P , and we also gonna have an IDSU like GUI, for moar fanciness :D

    Thanks for the reply Mine_Sasha.

    Looking forward to the next update and to see your new textures.

    I've been playing around with the textures myself, just so I could blend the AFSU into my tech factory. Here is what I came up with.

    By no means am suggesting these as an option to replace yours - however, if you or anyone else would like to have them or there is an option for additional skins, you may have them here. I just took IC2's MFSU and jazzed it up more so it looks like it is busting at the seams with EU! lol

    Version 1

    Version 2

    Alternate GUI


    You are THE MAN!

    Thank you SO MUCH for adding this back into the game. I miss Gregtech's AESU and IDSU so much.

    Do you think you could make it so we could Adjust/Set the EU out put in the GUI like the old AESU ? I loved that feature and found it so useful in tight builds because I didn't have to use a Transformer then.

    Additionally, do you think you could add something similar to the IDSU back in too?

    Observation: Looking at the GUI for the AFSU, I notice that the GUI needs to be a bit bigger so the 1 Billion will fit and not run off the side of the GUI box at the top.
    Also noticed if you place an AFSU down while hovering in the air, the Output face will be on "top" (as expected) however, it then uses the "top" texture file to map 2 sides of the block else where.

    I also love the Red textures - looks like they fit in well with IC2's MFSU.

    Again - THANK YOU SO MUCH - I love your mods because they are like prayers being ACTUALLY answered!

    Can you supply Gregtech with updated artwork for GT Sensor Kit & Card so they match the new design?
    He mentioned in a post that the art work would have to be supplied from you guys...

    By the way, Iove the new version! Keep up the great job!

    Loaded ic2nc-1.7.10- and tried to use both alarms. When a Redstone signal from a lever is applied, the sound just "howls" solid. It doesn't have the same old sound it used to like the normal howler alarm sounded. Anyone else notice this? I think its an error. It should be intermitten sounding, where it sounds, then pauses, then sounds, and pauses, etc. Setting the Range doesn't seem to be accurate either. I set it to "0" and you can still hear it 20 or so blocks away.

    Apologies if this has been reported before or not in the right place, but I couldn't find anything about it.

    I am playing MC 1.6.4 using the FTB Monster Pack and to my surprise, the EU Detector Cable for IC2 is not working. Power does flow through it fine using a Quantum generator set at 1- 8192eu range. However, the detector does not emit a Redstone signal at all.

    Monster is currently running: industrialcraft-2_2.0.397-experimental.jar

    My MC World starts fine as is, until I try launching with your mod.

    Posted as a Spoiler