- Name/Nick: Manny
- MC-Forum Nick / IC-Forum Nick: Manny42601/ Minecraft Acountname: many23
- Timezone: GMT -7
- The position: Skinner/Spriter
- Previous experience: I am working on a 16x16 texturepack and a 32x32 I will send a link of what I got so far.
I have done some small coding like a plugin it was very buggy and didnt work so well but I can make commands and minecraft say
"Welcome to IC2" or "IC2 made by Alblaka" or say "Update available"
Here is my WIP texturepack .
I made 2 skins: 1 <==Finn The Human
And pic of the other.
Pic 1
Pic 2 <==Slim Shady
Pic 3