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In older versions of this addon, Energetic Chestplate was named Forcefield Chestplate, and killed any mobs in radius of, let's say, 16 blocks from you. That feature was quite OP and Forcefield Chestplate was quite easy to get. I decided to add AntimatterSuit, and migrated the Forcefield Chestplate's features into the AntimatterSuit Bodyarmor.
What Energetic Chestplate now does is nothing apart from being a 80kk EU lappack. Also, it is used as a crafting ingredient for Quantum Ring/AntimatterSuit Bodyarmor.
Current capabilities of the blue armor:
1. Levitation Boots - allows you to fly, 2x max jump height compared to QBoots.
2. Supersonic Leggings - sprint MUCH MUCH faster compared to QLeggings.
3. Energetic Chestplate - a nice combo of armor+lappack.
4. Tesla Helmet - you press R (forge key binding, R is the default) and it will shoot a Tesla Ray. In the version that's public (it's far behind the version I'm currently developing), it doesn't have an aimbot, but in dev-version it does.
Quantum Ring - protects you from ALL kinds of damage, be it rapier, or Twilight Scepter, or void damage, or anything at all + combines features of all the blue armors.
AntimatterSuit's features are not quite done yet (I basically ran out of ideas). It's expensive enough to be THAT OP, isn't it?
And yes, there is Antimatter Ring in dev-version.
Awesome!! Thanks for clearing everything up for me, this mod if a bit overwhelming at first! Also, just as a bit of recommendation, maybe the antimatter-suit should have similarities to the gem armor from EE2, that would be quite cool!