Posts by Dannyboy

    My Ideas:

    Eggplant - Tier ~5
    -can be harvested for one egg, then reverts back to first growth state.
    -takes twice as long as wheat to grow, growth affected by the same things as wheat.
    -round, bush, eggy
    -looks like a bush, with an egg on top when fully matured
    -same resistance to trampling and bugs as wheat

    Money Tree - Tier ~11
    -has 3 states: sapling, tree, fruit.
    -advances between the states at medium speed
    -can only be harvested when at fruit stage
    -if harvested with shears drops 1-3 coins and reverts to tree stage
    -if harvested with anything else drops 1-3 coins and 1-3 money seeds, and is destroyed.
    -looks like a sapling with golden leaves in first two stages, and grows grey dots at the third stage
    -money, rich, heavy, tree
    -requires high light levels and irrigated farmland
    -cannot be trampled. completely resistant to bugs when at sapling and tree stage. when at fruit stage it has a low resistance to bugs.
    -if it catches bugs at fruit stage then it will give nothing next time it is harvested.

    Cloudberry- Tier ~12
    -must be planted above sea level (level 64 or above)
    -requires a light level of 13 or above to grow
    -medium growth speed
    -when harvested drops 1-2 cloud berries, which act as seeds and crop. harvesting completely destroys plant.
    -cloud berries can be thrown and make lightning strike where they land
    -can be crafted with water cells to give electrolysed water cells
    -looks like a generic bush, the berries are white.
    -high, white, electric, light, soft
    -deals 1 point of damage per sec to anything standing on it
    -resistance to bugs depends on height. low resistance at layer 64, almost complete resistance at level 127.

    Sky Crystal - Tier 16
    -created by crossing cloudberry and UUM plant (assuming it gets added)
    -small plant with thin blue-green leaves, small light blue buds when mature
    -very slow growth speed, only grows when on top layer of the world and in light level 15 (only possible when exposed to direct sunlight)
    -dies if in a light level less than 14
    -when harvested drops 1-2 crystal shard, which acts as seed and crop. % chance to be destroyed when harvested, dependent on its resistance.
    -9 crystal shards in the crafting table get a (industrial?) diamond
    -shiny, thin, crystal, sky
    -completely resistant to bugs. trampling instantly kills it.

    Rapeseed - Tier 14
    -slow growth speed, only grows when in light level 15.
    -drops 5-10 rapeseed, its seed and crop. destroyed when harvested.
    -rapeseed requires a lot of processing to be useful
    -macerate it to get shredded rapeseed, compress this to get compressed rapeseed. extract this to get rapeseed oil.
    -rapeseed oil can be canned with empty cells (probably multiple oil per cell) to get ready made biofuel cells, or put in a furnace to get dried rapeseed.
    -dried rapeseed can be used in furnaces/generators as fuel. burning this is slightly less efficient than making it into fuel.
    -looks like a tall green plant, with lots of yellow flowers when mature
    -industrial, yellow, burn, oil
    -trampling resets its growth timer
    -very high resistance to bugs normally, but very low when any adjacent rapeseed plants are infected.

    That's all my ideas for now, i hope you like them. I tried to make them original and realistic.