Posts by knuff

    Its really simple.
    It need to much time to update it.

    I´ll wait for 1.7.2 because then there are enough new things from mine craft so that it pay up to spend time in update it.

    Hey community,

    I have create a Modpack called Technical Pixels.

    These are the mods:

    -Minecraft 1.5.1
    -Industrialcraft 1.115
    -Andvanced power management
    -nuclear control ( not available in this moment)
    -Galacti craft
    -Manus Civil Package
    -Manus Display Package
    -Manus Modern Warfare Package
    -Manus SIFI package
    -Manus WW2 package
    -SMP parts Pachahe
    -Modern Weapons Pack
    -Parts Pack
    -Ye Olde Pack
    -Iron chest

    If someone have interest to play these Modpack i could upload all you need to install and make an installation instruction.

    Its nice to play it whit friend at different islands. So that every player has an own Country.

    An version on Minecraft 1.7.2 is planed but not possible in the moment :( :(

