Posts by Siskulous

    I'm on IC2 and Minecraft 1.6.4. When I try to make carbon fiber using the recipe from NEI (3 coal dusts) I get nothing. Any ideas what might be wrong here? As you know many of the advanced things are impossible to get without carbon fiber, so I'm sort of stuck.

    NEI revealed the problem right away. The wiki is indeed way off. I don't recall even SEEING iron plates in there. And thanks for the tip about recipe mode. That makes it a much better mod for the way I play.

    As for the copper, I generated a new world and an hour later I had half a stack of copper ores and 15 tin ores waiting for me to get my macerator and electro furnace built. Now if I can just get down to where I can get some redstone I'll be set (caves in the mine shaft can be very distracting).

    I suppose I'll have to reinstall NEI for the recipes if the wiki's not going to work for them. I really didn't like that mod because I found it too easy just to grab stuff and put it in my inventory, but if it's the only way to get the IC2 recipes I'll just deal with it. Maybe if I actually RTFM there's a way to turn that feature off.

    I haven't seen any caves that look like they could have been ore veins, and like I said I've found lead and uranium and rubber trees, so I know the mod's working. The only other mods I have installed are Forge (obviously) and Treecaptator, so the presence of those ores pretty well proves the mod is working right. It just seems that copper and tin are either entirely absent or rarer than anything in vanilla in this world. I'll try generating a new world tonight and see if that works.

    I'm not home right now to check it, but if the mod's working then it must be the right version, right?

    I've only been playing Minecraft for a few weeks. I just installed IC2 and I've run into two problems. First, copper and tin seem to be completely absent from the game. I've completely mined out layers 40-42 on one chunk and layers 12-15 on several chunks (which, as it turns out, is a good way to make an unintentional slime farm...The things people don't tell you when they're giving the newbies advice) and have found neither of these ores. I've found just about everything else, including a little lead and some uranium, but no copper or tin.

    The second problem I'm having is that I seem to be unable to make an iron furnace. I've tried both recipes from the wiki, but neither works.

    So far everything else seems to work. I have rubber trees and can get resin from them with a tap and I have a couple fields of crops. Can someone point me the right direction to get the copper and tin fixed at least? I can live without the iron furnace if I have to, but I need the copper.