Posts by cammygames

    package net.minecraft.src;

    import net.minecraft.src.ic2.api.CropCard;
    import net.minecraft.src.ic2.api.TECrop;

    public class CropMelumpkin extends CropCard {

    public String name() {
    return "Melumpkin";

    public String discoveredBy() {
    return "Trintus";

    public int tier() {
    return 2; // Same as melons

    public int stat(int n) {
    switch (n) {
    case 0: return 0; // Not chemical
    case 1: return 3; // Melons are edible
    case 2: return 0; // No defensive properties
    case 3: return 2; // Pumpkins are primarily decorative
    case 4: return 0; // Not particularly weed-like
    default: return 0;

    public String[] attributes() {
    return new String[] {"Green", "Orange", "Food", "Decoration", "Stem"}; // Melons *and* pumpkins

    public int getSpriteIndex(TECrop crop) {
    // Special handling for harvestable melumpkins
    if (crop.size == 4) {
    int harvest = checkMelumpkinHarvest(crop);
    if (harvest == 1) {
    return 19; // Sprouted pumpkins
    } else if (harvest == 2) {
    return 20; // Sprouted melons
    return crop.size+15; // Otherwise, use the shared pumpkin/melon stem sprite

    public boolean canGrow(TECrop crop) {
    return crop.size <= 3; // Can always grow, unless it's already harvestable

    public int weightInfluences(TECrop crop, float humidity, float nutrients, float air) {
    // Like melons and pumpkins, melumpkins require slightly more humidity and slightly less nutrients to grow
    return (int) (humidity*1.1+nutrients*0.9+air);

    public int growthDuration(TECrop crop) {
    if (crop.size == 3) return 650; // Takes a while for stems to sprout fruit
    return 225; // Stems grow pretty fast though

    public boolean canBeHarvested(TECrop crop) {
    return crop.size == 4;

    public ItemStack getGain(TECrop crop) {
    // Check to see what it grew
    int harvest = checkMelumpkinHarvest(crop);
    if (harvest == 1) {
    return new ItemStack(Block.pumpkin); // Sprouted pumpkins
    } else if (harvest == 2) {
    return new ItemStack(Block.melon); // Sprouted melons
    } else {
    return null; // Shouldn't happen

    public byte getSizeAfterHarvest(TECrop crop) {
    // getSizeAfterHarvest should really be a purely informational function
    // without side effects, but I don't see any other 'after harvest' hook,
    // so resetMelumpkinHarvest goes here for now.
    return 3; // Returns to fully-grown stem size

    * Checks what the melumpkin plant has sprouted. If it hasn't been decided yet,
    * this is where that happens.
    * @param crop TECrop to check on
    * @return 1 for pumpkins, 2 for melons
    public int checkMelumpkinHarvest(TECrop crop) {
    if (crop.custumData[0] == 0) {
    // Hasn't decided what sprouted yet, time to do that
    // 50/50 chance of sprouting pumpkins (1) or melons (2)
    crop.custumData[0] = (short) (crop.worldObj.rand.nextInt(1)+1);
    return crop.custumData[0];

    * Resets the harvest type of a melumpkin plant, so that the next call to
    * checkMelumpkinHarvest picks a new value.
    * @param crop TECrop to reset
    public void resetMelumpkinHarvest(TECrop crop) {
    crop.custumData[0] = 0; // Set harvest type back to 0 (undecided) so a different type can be picked next time



    i got that from the crop card request page :)

    Name/nick= cammy
    Time zone = GMT
    position= Beta testing finding bugs
    Previous experience= (edit) now i have some experience . But i am allways trying to improve on things or help other people out with what ever they may need i am also part of the team for the minecraft elite mod! :)

    Industrial cities 20 slot server ! 24/7


    PLZ note that you might need the industrial rage texture pack for stuff to look good here's the link

    Texture Pack (Will need to install the HD Patcher)

    Allowed Mods other than ic2/bc
    Rei's Mini-Map
    High res Texture pack's
    Banned Mods
    Fly (execpt admins)
    x-ray/wall hack
    client mods like pic-a-client

    1: No asking for stuff from admins
    2: No Griefing
    3: No Hacking
    4: No Cheating

    Links for Required mods:


    IC2 you should be able to find this -_-