Posts by Rambayu

    I started using our Brewing mod several days ago and things SOMETIMES went well, once I finally got enough hops. But I've found that even after (I think) I've perfected my ratios and added my ingredients, waited the 24 hours and tapped my keg, that it gives me the zero beer.

    Now..this happened the first time and I thought it was because I did a really bad combination. I think I got it 2 more times before looking it up on what the combo was to understand if I was doing something REALLY wrong.

    But..everywhere I looked, I found the same statement about how the Zero brew could NOT be crafted and only spawned. Yet I just did a brew (that I tapped about half an hour ago with a ratio of I think 1/2 hop/wheat and 32 water) and it gave me one AGAIN T_T

    Did a search to see if anyone else is having this issue and so far nothings coming up(not sure if I'm just not doing the right searching or what) and so I don't know if it's just our server? A config file?


    Seems like a bug to me :( but I don't know..Would like help. I would like to not waste my hops.

    EDIT: I am now experiencing a bug where anytime I break a finished brew to move it to my bar location, it is now empty. I read earlier somewhere that it's suppose to be keeping the contents, as it has been almost everytime I move it. But suddenly today it's not? I lost 2 brews :(