that's a new concept, I've never really thought about that,
check in the entityplayer class to see if there is a getLookedAtBlock or something
if not a klunky way you could do it would be to get the entityplayer look vector and test various points along that line
Posts by F4113nb34st
I don't know, I haven't tested it
don't worry more generators will come, (and I have some awesome ideas)
no thermal gens don't care if lava is source or flowing, and they are passive only or active only so active output is 25 and max passive is ~16 euSteveofDoom
yes use 1.2.0 for the time being, 1.3.0 have problems -
no, this mod is standalone from advgenerators,
however advgenerators will implement the api -
strange, I'll look into it and make sure mediafire didn't go crazy
don't see why not
that error is most often caused by java misinstall, minecraft misinstall, or corrupted download,
not my code, try redownloading -
ok, thanks, try uing f4113nc0r3 v 1.2.0 fr the time being.
since it's really similar to 1.3.0 it might work -
Biome Generators
Have you ever wondered why GeoGens work just as well in snow biomes as in the nether?
Or perhaps you agree that a watermill in the desert would be useless.
Well now they are!
With Biome Generators!!!
Edits the tileentitybasegenerator.class to make generators have "good" and "bad" biomes
in it's good biome, a generator outputs +25% energy
in it's bad biome, the output is halved
in a biome that is not good or bad, the output is unchanged
these are configurable
Lists of good/bad biomes:
Solar Generator:
Good: none
Bad: ice plains, ice mountains, frozen ocean, frozen river, taiga, taiga hills, swamplandWind Generator:
Good: beach, extreme hills, extreme hills edge
Bad: forest, forest hills, jungle, jungle hills, taiga, taiga hillsWater Generator:
Good: ocean, river
Bad: desert, desert hills, swampland, frozen ocean, frozen riverGeoGenerator:
Good: nether, desert, desert hills
Bad: ice plains, ice mountains, frozen ocean, frozen river, taiga, taiga hillsGenerator:
Good: secret (feel free to decompile the code, but if you do don't share what you learned)
Bad: noneAlso compatible with ExtraBiomesXL!!! (everything should be self explainitory, if you're not sure, drop me a pm)
API (for coders):
(works for all versions)
Older Versions
How to Install:
Correctly install: Industrialcraft 1.112, and F4113nC0r3 3.0.0 or higher
Next put .zip file into mods folder (or drag and drop all the files into minecraft.jar)Done!!!
Change Log:
Hope you like it!!!
download the src and stick it in the src folder
good idea, I will do that next release
dude I love it!
I'm a huge fan of absolutly everything automated easily
that's why I made AdvGenerators -
beep________ beep_________ beep, beep, beep, beep
Addon Idea Detected! <smiles evily> -
glad it helped
if you need any help with the f4113nc0r3 pm me, I made it so I know all about it
also if you need any special hooks or methods, I add them in for you
and with the last bit:
do you mean can it be done or are you suggesting I add it in? -
sweet mod
new addition for my monolithic minecraft.jar
thank you, I
positive feedback
edit: ~2000 more views till legacy addon #1!!!