Uh, yeah... I can, because it's called an opinion (and they don't have to be right).
And considering you are a fan-boy of his work I can't exactly give you much validity in your comments either since you want to hard ball this as a personal attack against me. This isn't FC forums, and despite what you may believe I don't 'swear wholly allegence to Alba' for IC either. So your post is a pretty moot point trying to 'discredit' 'my opinion'....
Yeah, the whole "It's just my opinion, but your opinion doesn't matter thing" is about as childish as you can get. You can't just dismiss people because they like something you stopped liking (blah blah you're a fanboy). You also can't criticize people with personal attacks then get all offended when someone brings one your way. How can you criticize other people for the exact attacks you're taking part in?
Yeah, never suggested you swear allegiance to IC either, sorry. Unlike you I don't make claims about who other people "swear allegiance to". Also, I don't swear allegiance to FC, I just like his mod for SSP. I use RP, Buildcraft, and IC2 for my SMP server. I just find you to be as egotistical as anyone in this entire modding community, except unlike people who create technically impressive mods like Alba/Elo/Spacetoad/FC who are all fantastic contributors to the community in different ways, you don't even have a good reason to act important.
Who cares if someone wants to control how their mod is played? You can just not play with it. Why should they spend extra time so that you can play your mod with another mod that duplicates or overpowers half their functionality? His game design takes precedence over others... in his mod. Shocking I know but literally everyone who's made a mod makes it so that they can alter the game in a way they think is interesting and better than if they hadn't. IF they didn't think their design was better, why would they design a game progression? What's the point if you think it won't be better?
You're basically criticizing him for thinking he's making something that people would choose to play. That's absolutely absurd.