Posts by killerlsp
i dont know what happend i was exploring to find a place to build my house and suddenly it crashed and completly wont respond. i restarted y minecraft and it keeps happening asept i dont even get a screen to see where i am its just black and constly trying to load. there is just a random spike in lag in they chunk i am in i can do anythink i would try to teleport to spawn but i cant since there arnt no commands since we havent got bukkit plz help.
can i be white listed they fourm isent working for they white listing. IGN= killerlsp
people who want to griefe or can help me get back at these twats plz go griefe this server while u can. ip= plz do not remove me from server or the forms and do not remove this they banned me becuase i got accused of having x ray. and i have now been ip banned from there website there website is if u want to spam there forms plz go ahead and do so they are dicks.
(dude catch this griefing/stealing shit bag who stole all my machines and broke my cactus farm and water oil and fuel depos. he/she also took all my engines.
if you dont thnen im gunu go on a diff server without griefers. i also think i know who it is.)
EDIT: i fixed it there were 12 stacks of cactus floating in a hole it is still crashing thow you really need to ban this guy/girl. -
by they way i think that where he grifed my cactus farm he actually made it make a lag machine becuase they cactus where building up in they wall where he destoyed it and eveerytime i log on and go near it they server ends/crashes
also are you not maintaining your server it is going down alot it was 98. somethink % now 94.4%
putting server up now dunno why it was down
going to try to make server a lot more stablei am going on to a diff server so who wants the rest of my stuff i will give it to 1 person. it is first come first serve so whoever comes to me first on server will get it all i have lots of stuff so i dont want it to go to waste there is like 13 diamond blocks so see you when server is up.
is server down just tryed to join says cant resolve host. is it a 24hr server if not how long ussaly is it up?
when is server gunu be back up i need to finish me new house moved away from spawn because of the lag. i need to put the solar/machine room up.
Dude, at the least include the map download. That really sucks, after this its industrial rage
but if you do shut it down, post the map dl.
HOWEVER. I'll keel you if you do shut it down. Don't be a turd.
how can you get on industrial rage I thought you have to pay.
no clue must of crashed
i am going to update everything then put back up and hope it fixes everything
also considering shutting down server for good as I'm sick of all the crashes and don't feel like being a slave to it's whims....please dont shut down please keep it up and running
i love the server
also if you are cant can u please just pass it over to someone else i would host it but i dont have a good comp.
what is the matter with server it is up aint it. i can join but when i do it trys login in then has internet error like if its down?
server is up
kaytavo can u get server back up.