Posts by pjman13

    Whats Your In-Game Name?: pjman13
    How Old Are You?: 15
    Why Would You Like To Join This Server?: Im looking for a small server with friendly people and a good community.
    What's Your Biggest Creation?: on single player I made a marble castle with a large storting system using all the mods that this server uses
    How Long Will You Be On The Server?: as long as its up :P

    even though im younger than some other members im not a little kid and ill fallow the rules

    1. In game name :pjman13

    2. Have you played industrial craft before: lots and im great with wiring and solar :Solar Panel: :Glass Fibre:

    3. Have you ever been
    banned from a server and why : once when i was new to the game and didnt know what i was doing but that was over a year a go and i learned my lession