This is just a plain old, IC2 server that I made, inspired by machinima director/youtuber user, CocoSmackdown.
1. No PvP Unless IN A Town War
1a. You must respond if asked what town you're in during a war
1b. Anybody may attack any building/village not within a proper towns limits
2. Be Friendly
2a. Keep Swearing to a Minimum
2b. Be polite and nice
3. No Stealing
3a. Stealing is allowed in town wars, however only Resoucres may be taken, these include stone, cobblestone, logs, planks, iron, gold, coal, diamonds, bronze, tin, copper, refined iron, uranium, fuel and all dusts
4. No Griefing
4a. Only help people if they ask for explicitly
5. Have Fun!
Diamond Drills for you if you join!

Industry Ville
Leader: SpitFir3Tornado
Members: First 5 people to join get free citizenship, if they want.
TOWN APPLICATION: You must reply this in the thread to create an official town. Hamlets/Villages are allowed, however their citizens are not bound to a town and may be attacked by anybody.
Members(Req. 5):
X.Y.Z. Coordinates:
Houses Available(Req. 5 other than the member's houses and utility buildings):
How many diamonds do you have(Req. 10 payable to me >: D):
After filling out that, I'll either accept/deny and next time you're on, I'll check out your town, if I deem it appropriate, then it's an official town and it'll be added to the above list.
If you have any suggestions or comments, leave them below.