And you know this how?...
Quote from AlblakaUpcoming Release v1.33 (hopefully) ... PS: for version 1.8 of MC, ofc
Directly from the blog.
And you know this how?...
Quote from AlblakaUpcoming Release v1.33 (hopefully) ... PS: for version 1.8 of MC, ofc
Directly from the blog.
May I be (re)whitelisted?
IGN penguin344
That would cause really ugly terrain generation ridges. (Like shear cliff faces.)
IGN: penguin344
alright, application...
I've played on the server before when it was IC, and I would like to get on the server again.
I have no idea what else to say. Sorry about that.
Ya know, if the fish are magnetic, you have to wonder how polluted the water is in minecraft
Yeah, with auto cactus farms, you need to get rid of the cactus, not store it. Whether that means burning it, or destroying it, it must be done. Burning is more energy efficient though, but costs more iron and cables and isn't always practical.
Problem with auto farms like that are the accidently buildup ruining your world. We have a chunk on IR that lags everyone out when they go near it. CACTUS BLOCK OVERLOAD
But yes, it's a great idea.
A simple fix for that is to make the cactus drop onto an item destroying block (say, cactus) until you flip a switch that would make them enter your buildcraft pipe or whatever you are doing. I had to do this myself after basically getting 1 FPS due to cactus overload, but it fixes the problem.
I tried this several times, it crashed my game :(.
Needless to say, I didn't get the EU/t.
Another nice form of plant energy I like to use is cactus. Make a simple cactus farm and use an obby pipe at the collection point. Burn the cactus in generators. It works well, as it is fully automatic and with an iron pipe on the line somewhere, you can either harvest cactus for dye. When you don't harvest, burn it for minimal waste. Obviously, bigger farm = more energy.
Rather fitting, I think.
What advantage does this have over normal torches, which do not need redstone, are renewable, and are brighter?
So far, in my whole playtime since implementation of weather, i've had 2 lightningstorms total. In neither a lightning ever struck any entity.
How big is the chance a lightning storm hitting one of the expensive, rare robots :3
Just as big as the chance of a lightning bolt hitting one of those green evil creatures.
alright, also, a list of recipes would be nice.
I don't think where they come from is such a big issue. After all, we're talking about minecraft here. Where anti-gravity is a frequent occurance and creepers have somehow managed to follow the basic laws of evolution and survived until now.
There still is the issue that if they spawn in day, I don't want to see a robot with heat vision and nano sabres and god-knows-what when I only have a stone sword and a pork chop. They'd need to be pretty rare for it to be balanced.
I'll test it, not much else to do
Besides, looks like an nice mod. What can you do with the herbs?
Maybe when robots are added, there can be a small chance that when you craft a robot, it will develop an AI and will try to attack you? Robots randomly spawning doesn't make much sense, does it. Unless factories are randomly generated in the world, of course.
Also, water = dead robot. If they do randomly spawn, you need some way of not being murdered night one.
Unless you make it only extract 1/16th of a dye from each wool block!
Of course, it would take 2 crafting actions to combine 16 dye 'particles' back into a whole dye. But that's the price you pay to get your dyes back, I guess.
Or you could make extracting color add a use to your painter, but that might be getting too complicated for such a small feature.
Display Moreyou might look into the mod betterblock.
It allows you to make slabs and stairs for almost all types of blocks and fences and ladders out of several other types of materials.
It also lets you place stairs and slabs upside-down on ceiling and you can place wood horizontal to make log cabins or large roof trusses.
It has normal and hidden doors/trapdoors for several different textures as well and gates for fences.
It also adds a bridge block that will extend a bridge of whatever material you put in the bridge block out to as much as 9 blocks when redstone is applied.
And best of all, it uses all of the information already in minecraft so it won't use any extra sprites(except for the bridge block)
From my testing so far, it doesn't have compatibility issues with any other mod out there.
Here is a link to the forum page for it.…-july-11-betterblocks-37/
Oh yeah and one of the things he is trying to add right now is diagonal fences and doors. Maybe slant blocks as well not sure about that...
I'm not sure how this will help though. I'm not huge for having 9001 different types of slabs, it's just that reinforced stone currently doesn't have any block that allows for easy change of elevation, and a reinforced slab would not only match the look of a house, but it would allow for the house to remain explosion proof.
Basically, they are just slabs but have a similar texture and hardness as reinforced stone. Right now, the closest thing we have is the stone slab, and that is still a very different look. Also, our stairs should be as strong as our houses, right? What if a creeper swarm gets into your house and all of your weapons are on the second floor?
Ridiculous example, I know.
R R R = 6 S
R = Reinforced Stone
S = Reinforced Slab
Just like all the other slabs, except you get 6. I never understood why you only got 3. You are literally cutting the block in half. Why does the other half just disappear?
Also, as an alternative recipe:
T A T = 8 S
T = Stone Slab
A = Advanced Alloy
S = Reinforced Slab
Much more wasteful, but if you have spare stone slabs, this may be the recipe for you.
Anyway, please implement this if it isn't too much trouble.